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Confession: While I'm a coffee snob, I'm also lazy and only make my coffee with a nice but basic Ninja coffeemaker (though I do use fresh-ground beans of course). But I learned a ton about what makes a good cup from this piece (not that I'll change my ways). Really solid deep dive.
As someone who makes pour over almost every day, I can vouch for the truth of this article. It's very hard to get right, but when you do it well it's the best that coffee can be! (Unfortunately, I don't often get it right.) The machines shown in the article seem interesting, but too rich for my budget!
Yeah, when I've had friends make me pourovers, it's been incredible, but my skill level is just not good enough to justify the effort. Some of the machines do seem amazing, in a "if I win the lottery" way.
21 sats \ 6 replies \ @orto 7 Mar
An informative article. I have tried many types of coffee with different technics. But I always come back to Turkish coffee. (The one made with Arabica coffee) .☕️
I love some Turkish coffee when I can get some, but I definitely don't have the patience to make it myself!
0 sats \ 4 replies \ @orto 7 Mar
A company from Türkiye has developed its automatic machine. It is also sold on Amazon. It is a very successful device. I use it and everytime it gives creamy Turkish coffees.
why not simply use copper cezve? It forms beautifully.
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @orto 7 Mar
Because it is very laborious and time consuming. Copper needs to be coated with tin. 🥰
Copper needs to be coated with tin.
tabi, they are being sold that way:)
hmmm, but it only takes like five minutes.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 7 Mar
Gotta be honest I enjoy my drip coffee from the big vat. I always find pourover overrated but probably that's just my cheap side from growing up poor.
But you're using the same grinds. In fact, I use less coffee in a pour over generally, whereas the Mr coffee machine usually brews too much wasted coffee. 1 cup of quality coffee is better than 5 cups of burned coffee.
I only make hot coffee in a pour over or French press, if i neglect to make cold brewed coffee the night before.
never thought it would be me, but I'm a pourover everyday guy for the past year or so