LN Capital published a twitter thread on Bolt 12 and this is what happened on Stacker.News:
  • someone posted that 1st (#90273)
  • I posted it too, not knowing someone else did (#90453)
  • another person posted it the same thing for the 3rd time, likely not knowing as well (#90627)
Clearly this dilutes UX in the near future, if we do not find a way to tackle this then we would have a flood of repetitive topics which could lead to losing existing members and/or inability to attract new ones...... how can we tackle this?
My suggestion: IF its challenging to prevent it then a better half-solution is to create topics per category. By doing this we wouldn't mind repetitive content while top quality posts will go to the top.
Keep seeing the Lebanon articles too over and over
We are planning on improving the "dupe" detection when you go to post to include articles that have very similar titles, and also improve it in many of the ways @cointastical has suggested.
That's at least the best solution I've thought of so far.
Would love to hear other opinions.
It's worse, even ... there was also a threadreader (unrolled) thread (#90304) as well.
The first problem, dup detection being case sensitive, was reported as Issue #142.
The next problem is how if you try to Search for a link (e.g., to see if it has already been posted), the search results do not include Link Posts where that link was used. I just reported this, as Issue #212.
There's also the problem where one person can post the mobile.twitter.com/status/nnnnn link and the dup detection will not know that is the same as twitter.com/status/nnnnn (i.e., without the mobile. subdomain). That's reported as Issue #208.
Similarly, www. subdomain has the same issue, and that was reported with Issue #169.
There's also the problem of URL shorteners, where a Link post could be using the T.co (shortened) link that Twitter uses in the body of a Tweet. So that's addressed in Issue #179
And there's a delay in detecting a dup even, so a person composing a Link post who pastes the link and is quick at hitting Post, ... the dup detection might not have been finished, and the user won't even see the "dup" warning. This is reported as Issue #153
And there are a few other Issues reported for lessening the chances of a dup occurring (e.g., when the link uses Google AMP, etc.).
So addressing these will help lessen the number of occurrences of accidental dups.
Not all dups are accidental. I suspect some people see the Dup, and know it is a dup, and post it anyways. Maybe because they want to earn sats? Maybe because the earlier post was days ago (or longer) and want to promote it. Lots of reasons could explain it. And then you have the ones who create a Discussion post and then in the discussion include the Link, (and as a result, the dup detection won't even be attempted).
Valuable response!
Another suggestion is to have PoW embedded within Link/url related posts as the following:
  • Current: title + url
  • Recommended: title + url + personal take/input/review of at least x number of words
Currently its so easy to post anything and everything, just create a title and copy n paste a link, instead adding a mandatory comment section to have a personal review of such link can serve as:
1- Decrease number of posts in particular just copied and pasted from twitter/youtube (almost everyone is on these platforms already) as you need to do more work
2- Increase engagement: personal review could stir discussions as it indicates the publisher's take
3- Give insight to other users if its worth it to check the link or not
I don't mind. Important topics naturally get posted more. That's how it should be. No action needs to be taken.
Discussions get harder to track like this. It's weird to have multiple posts about the same thing. If I want to read every comment about a post, I have to open multiple posts.