pull down to refresh

copying the image address and getting this
am i doing it wrong lol
You need to click the ... menu and click quote reply, then you see the URL
Then copy that to the decode field.
But we're too late already.
nice, I wouldn't have guessed.
i had a go anyway but got this
if it had been claimed, wouldn't it say 'spent'?
Weird, https://v2alpha.nutstash.app/ decodes it successfully and says 'already spent', but https://wallet.cashu.me/ says 'invalid token'. Not sure why that is.
I think @BlokchainB didn't mint the nut in their usual way, but let it get minted by the https://memeamigo.lol/ tool (entered an amout and paid the QR invoice).
58 sats \ 1 reply \ @Scroogey 8 Mar
There is something in that nut which triggers
isTokenPeanut:function(){return this.receiveData.tokensBase64.match(/^.([\uFE00-\uFE0F]|[\uE0100-\uE01EF]+)$/)}
in wallet.cashu.me. It's looking for Chinese (?) unicode in the base64 decoded binary and treats it as "peanut", whatever that is.
A bug, or worse...
This is true I wanted to see if I can track it but I appears I can’t
Actually it’s gone someone else got this nut
54 sats \ 1 reply \ @Scroogey 8 Mar
Now I understand what peanuts are!
It's cashu nuts hidden in a peanut (get it?) emoji, using invisible non-breaking spaces, like @DarthCoin mentioned in another context.
On https://wallet.cashu.me/ when you create/send a cashu token, you can click on the > right of the COPY, and the click on the πŸ₯œσ …“σ …‘σ …£σ …˜σ …₯σ „²σ …Ÿσ „’σ „Άσ …€σ …•σ „³σ „Ίσ …Ÿσ …”σ „Έσ …‚σ …§σ …“σ …ͺσ …Ÿσ …¦σ „Όσ „’σ „‘σ … σ …’σ …žσ …σ …₯σ …’σ …‡σ …œσ …₯σ …‘σ …‡σ „Ίσ … σ …”σ „Έσ „½σ …₯σ …‰σ „’σ „Άσ …ͺσ …‘σ „³σ „©σ „³σ …‘σ …ˆσ …‚σ …šσ …’σ „’σ …œσ …₯σ …‰σ …ˆσ …†σ …šσ …“σ „’σ „Άσ „ σ …‰σ …ˆσ …ƒσ „²σ …Ÿσ …σ „Άσ … σ …ƒσ „±σ „²σ …σ „²σ …†σ „΄σ …§σ …ƒσ ……σ „Άσ „·σ …‰σ …ˆσ „³σ „²σ … σ „·σ „Άσ …˜σ „±σ …‡σ „Άσ …ͺσ …•σ „΅σ „±σ „’σ „Ώσ …„σ …†σ …šσ „Ώσ „΄σ …œσ …›σ „Ύσ …šσ …—σ „£σ „Ώσ …„σ …—σ „£σ …Šσ „΄σ „΅σ „ σ „Ύσ „΄σ „²σ …›σ „Ώσ „΄σ „΅σ „₯σ …‰σ …„σ …“σ „’σ „½σ …„σ „½σ „ σ „Ύσ „΄σ ……σ …©σ …‰σ …„σ …σ „£σ „Ύσ …šσ „²σ …›σ …Šσ …„σ …Šσ …™σ „Ύσ …„σ „Ύσ …šσ …Šσ „΄σ „²σ …™σ „Ώσ „΄σ „½σ „ σ …‰σ …σ „Ίσ …˜σ „Ύσ …σ …σ „€σ „Ύσ …‡σ …Šσ …σ „½σ …„σ …†σ …šσ „½σ …„σ ……σ „ σ …‰σ …‡σ „Ύσ …‰σ „Ήσ …σ „Όσ …‘σ …©σ „£σ „¦σ …†σ …¦σ „Άσ „€σ …€σ „Ώσ …„σ „‘σ „‘σ …„σ …’σ …ƒσ …‚σ ……σ „₯σ …—σ „³σ „Όσ …σ …¨σ …•σ „΅σ …ˆσ …’σ …—σ …€σ „΄σ …ͺσ …›σ „₯σ …’σ „½σ …„σ „€σ …—σ …‰σ …ˆσ …σ …‡σ „Άσ …›σ …Ÿσ „’σ „Άσ …œσ …‡σ „³σ „±σ ……σ „€σ …›σ …›σ „·σ „€σ „Ώσ „€σ …‰σ …§σ …˜σ …œσ …„σ „₯σ …Ÿσ „§σ „Ίσ „΅σ „Άσ „₯σ „½σ …‰σ „€σ …’σ …Šσ …¨σ ……σ „Ίσ „Άσ …Šσ „¨σ …€σ „£σ „Έσ …Šσ „§σ …˜σ „Έσ „Ώσ „‘σ …€σ …₯σ „’σ „Άσ …ͺσ …‡σ „³σ „±σ …šσ „¦σ …©σ …Šσ …¨σ …“σ … σ „³σ …“σ „Ύσ …šσ …Šσ „‘σ …•σ „§σ …‘σ …ˆσ …‘σ …‘σ „‘σ …›σ „΅σ „Ίσ „·σ …σ …’σ …—σ „·σ „Έσ „§σ …‡σ …„σ …€σ …Šσ …‘σ „·σ …€σ …Šσ …™σ …‡σ …‚σ …‚σ …σ „Άσ …©σ …‡σ „³σ „³σ …ͺσ „Ίσ „£σ …“σ …σ …šσ „³σ …σ „‘σ …˜σ „₯σ …œσ …£σ …‰σ „²σ …§σ …žσ …σ …“σ ……σ …šσ …‘σ …¦σ „₯σ …‰σ …„σ …žσ …˜σ …˜σ …Šσ …•σ …σ „¨σ „·σ …€σ „Ίσ „§σ …˜σ …™σ …žσ …‡σ …§σ …—
You can paste that into the Receive Ecash form, and it will magically transform into a cashu nut. Try it with the peanut above at the end of the previous paragraph.
I bet if there's a bot, it doesn't understand this yet!
We shall see. Yeah saw calle post this on nostr
Ahh I got it. I’m trying to release it