Damn, that's harsh. I have known a few people who died of pancreatic cancer. Maybe the woman just lost her mind? I hate to phrase it this way, but usually it's not long after diagnosis that the person dies. It's not as if she was looking at years of caregiving.
edit: the wife has always been cold and yet this is still a shocking new low for her...
good point
I have read that you are lucky to get 12 months after diagnosis
here is chat gpt:
The median survival rate for someone diagnosed with pancreatic cancer can vary based on factors such as the stage at diagnosis, the person’s overall health, and the type of treatment received. However, on average:
For metastatic (advanced) pancreatic cancer, where the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, the median survival time is often around 6 months.
For localized pancreatic cancer, where the cancer is confined to the pancreas and potentially treatable with surgery or other treatments, the median survival is generally around 12-18 months, although this can vary significantly depending on the specifics of the case.
If the cancer is diagnosed early enough and the patient is able to undergo surgery, the 5-year survival rate can improve, but early detection is challenging because pancreatic cancer often shows no symptoms until it’s in later stages.
It’s important to remember that these are just median statistics, and survival times can differ widely from person to person. Some individuals may survive longer with treatment, while others may face a shorter time.
This is morbid, but two people I know were dead within 2 weeks of diagnosis. They didn't even know they were sick. Another close friend survived for a year and a half.
I have a distant relative who was recently diagnosed with late stage pancreatic cancer. He is 67 or 68 years old. He went to the doctor because his wife thought he had a stroke while driving. Then boom...
Use the fenbendazole for a week, then ivermectin for a week. Take the methylene blue in water as often as indicated in indicated amounts.
You may have to do some research on it, yourself, but he is your friend right?
Ain’t nothing anybody can do about the wife, unless he is cured, right?!!
Feeling sorry for him. I couldn't believe such a vile act was done by his own wife. May God give him peace in his last days. I hope others will support him in this agony.