pull down to refresh

It is green. Like I said, I'm able to receive, but not able to send out. I have plenty of outbound and inbound liquidity.
Did you open a channel to SN?
I don't. I'm not sure why I would need to?
Is not really necessary, only if you want to pay less routing fess. If you have good peers, they should route well your payment to SN node.
Maybe a better question is, have you been able to send previously and it stopped working?
Yep, everything was good. I see that my channels are a bit unbalanced now though. Not sure if that is the issue though as I see that I still have plenty of inbound/outbound
The balanceness of a channel it doesn't mean you cannot send out. You cannot send out because of your peers routes, fees or not well synced graph. I suggest to restart your Alby node. Some logs will be helpful if you can provide.
Both send and receive are green? If so, I'm stumped