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You are a fucking hero!!!! I don't have the guts to start cutting holes in my house. My wife knows my handyman skills well. I don't know whether I'll ever get as far as you have, but I am enthusiastic. I keep watching Bitcoin Mechanic podcasts. I am also a huge fan of Ocean. I'm also wrestling with DATUM on my Start9 to get my 1% rate. Umbrel has an app. Maybe Start9 will get one soon.
I need my house first to start cutting holes in xD... it's a long way but... direction instead of speed.
Yeah brother, we’re rooting for you. In the meantime, you may dig a Bitaxe for solo or some of the home products Canaan Avalon is putting out, which can hash and heat without modifying anything in your house.
Indeed, I already have a couple ;) ... Ocean + CLN so far, the most powerful went to the pool and the others are lottery mining. But yea... I want to scale up and focus in heat management.
Yeah, this is awesome to read about. These trailblazers give me hope of one day having a home that runs on bitcoin miners.
Me too. I think the first thing is to move to Texas. Or, buy a small house in Texas and find a pleb who wants to run your miners in lieu of rent.
What an exciting time we live in!
Aw shucks. You are a real grown up…and at this point in life, that’s more of what I aspire to/what my family needs from me.
I’m actually also running an Umbrel node (both of them are just old computers with those OSes on top), but it’s running Bitcoin core and I have all of my lightning stuff on top of that. I don’t want to mess up my lightning node trying to switch to knots, so I guess we’re in this figuring out datum on startos journey together. Mine is just in a forever starting loop. Is that where you’re at?
I'm not even at that stage. I'm baffled about where to begin. I also have an Umbrel and am worried about the same thing. I am tempted to just start up knots and run CLN. All I have on Umbrel is core with an LND node now. We'll see.
if yall need help getting DATUM / CLN running on your start9, i've done it.
Jason - that spinning is what happened to me when i didnt have knots as my btc node implementation. Once i switched it, it all worked fine.
Here is a post on nostr with some helpful links:
So on my StartOS Node, i'm already using knots.
I'll check out this video though and see if I can make any progress.
tru uninstalling / reinstalling DATUM ?
Quick question, now that you have been deemed Datum Expert in these parts. It appears I have Datum up and running, using the same on chain and Bolt12 address for my Ocean log in as prior to installing Datum. Will Ocean in anyway acknowledge that Datum is installed on my mining node, or will the fees just be lower?