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I'm going with power lifter. I would love to be insanely strong.
Thet would actually be really cool. Id like to be able to do flips and shit.
Those dudes are insanely strong AND agile.
Balance is the key. Strength without agility is useless. And vice-versa.
Balance brings longevity.
Easily basketball. That's always been my favorite sport to play, despite being about a foot too short for it.
"The shortest player ever to play in the National Basketball Association (NBA), the 5 ft 3 in (1.60 m) Bogues played point guard for four teams during his 14-season career in the NBA."
More likely you are too old than short. Haha
@Undisciplined is 4'3" confirmed.
Dont forget NBA Slam Dunk Champ Spud Webb, listed at 5'7.
Also, the "too old" comment hit me hard haha
I've never really had a favorite sport, at least not growing up. I was always little for my age, so never really got into it until the weight lifting thing more recently.
I grew up in a small town and sports participation was not optional. The only way we could field a team was if everyone played, so we all played everything (except football and hockey, because we didn't have the facilities for those).
My parents made me play. I always sucked and everyone always hated having me in their team lol.
I guess I built character or something.
What position?
Starting Pitcher. I only have to play every fifth day but I still make as much money as the guys that play every day. Haha
Just don't blow out your arm.
If I had to be a pitcher I'd be a knuckleball pitcher.
I'd be an extreme Ironman (not just a regular one).
My dad was a triathlete and ran the Iron man (the regular one) and I can say with complete certainty that it's not what I want to do.
I did a regular Iron Man. It was lots of fun, but very intense preparations.
Wish I could get back to it, but maybe some of the shorter ones.
(did you watch the link?~~)
LOL! I did now. I wouldn't mind competing in that particular competition.
Football (and I mean European meaning of the word). I actually trained at football school as a kid briefly. Number two would be ice hockey likely, my brother actually plays at amateur level in local amateur league from time to time.
I played a bit of hockey. I really enjoyed it.
I started watching ice hockey as a kid on TV at kindergarten age, Dinamo Riga matches in Soviet championship. They showed cool animated films during breaks between periods, that was the main reason. At the end, started liking sports. And Arturs Irbe was our hero back then.
I'd have to choose Football (soccer) The Worldcup is just so huge I would love to play in one
52 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 15 Mar
Golf for the lifestyle - outside a lot, lots of walking, no real age cap.
If it weren't for the brain injuries and body mileage, MMA.
+1000 to golf
If I had considered lifestyle more, I would have picked bowling 🤣
Cricket. It's undoubtedly the best game. Haha. BTW I've played it professionally for a short time.
Really? That's wild, how long did you play professionally for?
I was selected for state level under 17s and played a whole damn season before being injured to only recover after I became 19 and I never got reselected because there's a lot more competition in senior level Cricket. Also my drive wasn't there for Cricket, it was for Military which also I couldn't accomplish. It's not that I'm trying to chant failures after failures, I got selected in Territorial Army which is a reserved force and got the training for which I was fascinated. Then it was all about money, now I'm partially retired, am still not 40.
I'd like to be a perennial 7th or 8th man off the bench in basketball. Beloved by fans, hated by no one, very well paid, maintain long career but without the media spotlight or pressure to perform :)
I love that specificity. Yeah, I could imagine loving life as a Grand Theft Alvarado type player: come in, give it my all for a few minutes, make some hustle plays and then back to the bench.
I'd like to be the Grand Theft Alvardo but of blocks instead of steals
An energetic big who blocks a couple of shots and commits a bunch of fouls, like Lakers Dwight 2.0?
Yep, like that. I'd even do the mutumbo finger wag.
Without Dwight's personal baggage of course
That's really well thought out!
Tis my dream to be an NBA benchwarmer. My biggest skill will be celebrating from the bench and looking shocked when my team doesnt get the calls
It's like being a cheerleader but you get paid well!
Pole dancing
Do you have a stripper name already?
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 15 Mar
Climbing. I think climbers have the most aesthetic physique. Very unassuming but still insanely strong.
Their backs are fucking SICK! I'm not sure if I'd say it's my number one favorite physique, but it has to be way up there.
Surfer 🏄‍♂️
Best work lifestyle going travelling to exotic locations surfing hanging by the ocean getting paid living life haha but we can also do this without being a pro
I could see how that would be appealing. I'm more of an indoor kid, but I get it.
Buy and hold bitcoin for a few cycles and you would reach financial freedom then you could live that way anyway haha
Marathoner. Took my shot, ran 2:27, but not good enough
Rally and rallycross driver. You get to travel around the world and drive fast cars! Also, for rally you are legally allowed to drive extremely fast on regular roads.
I'd like to be a top tennis player.
I started training not even a year ago and I really enjoy it.
i've always thought the basic-ness of track races was cool. I'd love to be the fastest at a partiicular race...probably one of the shorter ones like 100,200 or 400 meters.
Jai alai always seemed pretty hardcore.. but obscure enough to be interesting, and close to ritzy parties.