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Do you think it'll be sats or doge?
I got a feeling it might actually be sats.
Apaprently Elon did a Q&A about his payments vision in spaces:
Not listened to it myself.
With Tesla still holding bitcoin on the balance sheet, sats would make sense. Why not pump Tesla value at the same time.
It does. But with Musk you never know. I'm afraid of something silly like Doge.
Honestly, how hard would it be to 51% attack Dogecoin?
It has very low hash rate and very low number of nodes, right?
I want to put this dog down, and I feel like we could do it with just a little tiny bit of effort. Let's show the world why Bitcoin is better. Let's crowdfund a 51% attack on that puny little network and make Elon realize why Bitcoin is king.
Would anyone back such a crowdfunding effort??
I've always thought Doge was a troll, it would be quite epic if he builds Bitcoin into Twitter and they become a payment provider.
He's indeed a wildcard so you never know, but I'm excited to find out.
The Dogecoin protocol is creating 10,000 new Doge tokens every MINUTE and has no cap EVER.
Bitcoin creates 6 "tokens" per 10 minutes and is capped at 21 Million, with a halving cycle every 4 years.
I'm not sure how anyone can take Doge seriously for more than a day trade.
it could also be... none of the above. Nothing says it has to be cryptocurrency.