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Personally, I think it would make life too boring, so I'd take a pass.
it's a tricky one, because if the future showed me dying in some outrageous way, I would want to change it for sure. would that create a split timeline though or alter the future, who knows? would it be a Final Destination scenario?
if it was just a big playbook of future events, that didn't have personal or family death details then fuck it, I would take it. The risk would be ending up a Cassandra and trying to tell people but nobody would listen. Best case scenario would be I establish a small cult and enjoy being right.
If it was a Back to the Future Part II situation with Biff and the Grays Sports Almanac, then I'd go for it.
I don't think I would be bored being wealthy, I would find all kinds of things to do!
Only to avoid catastrophe. But that could be a slippery slope as well. If I avoid catastrophe for myself, most certainly I will want to look into the future to avoid catastrophe for my family and then where does it end. Do I think, I would miss Aardvark's sports facts if he got hit by a bus so let me peer into the future and check if there is anything I need to warn him about. While maybe a noble effort, I don't want to spend my days searching the future for calamities that might occur.
Haha. My sports facts will be eternal. I'm definitely not going to die so don't look on my behalf.
@realBitcoinDog told me all bitcoiners will live until 2140. I assume he has some insight since his work is featured in 21 futures.
Good, now I only have to worry about dying after 2140. I have time to spare.
By then you you will probably be either a slave to AI or an android anyways.
Probably both, also willing. 😜
While I routinely fast forward to the last page of a detective novel, I don’t think I will do the same wrt future-gazing. Life’s hard enough without the preoccupation from thinking about the future
Can you imagine what a curse it would be to know when you're going to die?
I thought you said we all die in 2140
You might. I'm going to hit 2500 minimum.
Wen moon?
Hopefully not for another couple weeks. I'm making a large purchase as soon as this whole 401k rollover shit is done.
I'd want to know what happens in the stock market
I think knowing even that much would make life pretty boring.
What about just the meme stocks then? Life might be fun if you're known as the meme stock king
Probably how the world will be around 2140 when we've, just in case, mined the last block of Bitcoin.
I would say to this: "Futurum praevisa non turbat" – the future doesn't disturb those who foresee it. In truth, the value lies not in knowing the future but in mastering our reactions to whatever comes our way. [So, rather than seeking a peek into tomorrow's events, we should focus on cultivating wisdom and virtue today].
I'd buy a bitaxe (home mining hardware) and I would like to know the NONCE for the next few blocks...
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @fm 18 Mar
that how you short btc and get to live another day..
that would create a cause-effect paradox, if the universe is fully deterministic, or you would see only one possible future, if the universe is branching. either way, an impossible idea and indeed, boring. instead, I would like a sleep chamber to keep waking up for short periods after 100-200 years, like in Foundation.
how wud orange-pilling normies living in deep A.I. dystopia look like
Predicting the future is kind of the function of intelligence itself. So im a sense everybody can somewhat "see" the future.