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Only to avoid catastrophe. But that could be a slippery slope as well. If I avoid catastrophe for myself, most certainly I will want to look into the future to avoid catastrophe for my family and then where does it end. Do I think, I would miss Aardvark's sports facts if he got hit by a bus so let me peer into the future and check if there is anything I need to warn him about. While maybe a noble effort, I don't want to spend my days searching the future for calamities that might occur.
Haha. My sports facts will be eternal. I'm definitely not going to die so don't look on my behalf.
@realBitcoinDog told me all bitcoiners will live until 2140. I assume he has some insight since his work is featured in 21 futures.
Good, now I only have to worry about dying after 2140. I have time to spare.
By then you you will probably be either a slave to AI or an android anyways.
Probably both, also willing. 😜
Did you happen to send 1k sats to join the March Madness pool? I received 1k sats from a coinos user I don't recognize.