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Hey Bitcoiners,
Leave a comment below to share your hustles and wins. Let us know what you've sold this week. Have you sold it for #sats or #zaps? It doesn't matter how big or small your item is, solid or digital, #product or #service.
Just share below what you’ve listed, #swap, and #sold. Let everyone rave on your latest #deals!
New to ~AGORA? Dive into the #marketplace and turn your dusty gears into shiny #BTC!
this territory is moderated
I can say I sold this image today
it's honest work
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 20 Mar
My labor
11 sats \ 8 replies \ @AG 20 Mar
Oh I see your profile now. Together with your Authory.com blog. It's super cool how you linked your MONEY CLASSES there.
right! I was kind of happy when I found that feature
14 sats \ 6 replies \ @AG 20 Mar
Does it generate the featured images itself or you add to add it manually?
How much you rely on your existing network for new projects, vs new clients asking you new things to write?
Did you get paid always in sats or still happen that fiat sometimes jump in your pocket?
  1. itself: I do nada.
  2. 80-20 existing. I don't have time/bandwidth to publish as much as I did for the half-dozen outlets I have written for in the past, so rarely much point in new clients (at least until @Undisciplined takes over The Economist anyway)
  3. mostly fiat. (Maybe flip that ratio?) Perhaps more now that I'm using Zaprite (#889350)
I'm working on it. Not gonna lie, though, I need a pretty monster bull run to pull that off.
28 sats \ 1 reply \ @AG 20 Mar
reading your post, zaprite seems a sweet solution, especially if you have fiat clients. have you evaluated other options before subscribing?
my time
0 sats \ 14 replies \ @AG 20 Mar
Our most valuable asset! On SN or to someone/somewhere else?
SN is for fun. In parallel I am helping people in private.
0 sats \ 12 replies \ @AG 20 Mar
For bitcoin things or related to your work?
my works is...
why should waste my time with anything else?
I recognize this image #918068! It's cool to see it around
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @AG 20 Mar
True! But I mean, there's a lot of stuff that can be done in bitcoin. How do you help? Is face-2-face? or generally just online through your guides and writings?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 20 Mar
just sold few items from our merch store https://agora.ftp.sh/