I had my first difficult transaction on Robosats. I was the buyer and made the offer. The seller accepted the offer, and I submitted my invoice The seller then logged off for two and a half hours without chatting. This was annoying, because I didn't want to miss him and forfeit my bond if the time lapsed. He showed up and said "I'm ready." I sent my payment. He waited ten minutes and then said thanks. He then immediately tells me to press the payment sent button (which I knew, of course) to complete the transaction." Right after I pressed the button, he logged off without releasing the bitcoin. I thought that maybe he was double checking my payment, which didn't really make sense, since he already thanked me. That was it. I never heard from him again. I waited a while, thinking he can't be scamming me, because he had to initiate the lightning transfer to accept the offer. He could of course come up with some sort of a contrived dispute, but I heard nothing. I lost patience and pressed the dispute button. I was informed that I needed to wait three hours to enter a dispute. I stayed up late and finally disputed the transaction. I explained everything in the text box, and learned a few things. The first stage of the dispute procedure involves no humans. There was no texting back and forth. You just text your version of the events. If the issue can't be resolved, then you can speak to a coordinator. Just a heads up. for the coordinator stage you need:
- The name of your robot.
- The order number
- The hash of your bond.
You should also export the text record and save it as evidence. The coordinators supposedly have no access to your encrypted texts.
In the end, I think the guy was just an idiot. He didn't dispute my payment in any way. 7 hours later my bitcoin showed up in my lightning wallet, with no contact with a coordinator or any communication about what happened.
Was it frustrating? Yes, but I just am accepting it as the price you pay to avoid an exchange.