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Context: I'm a semi retired now, occasionally working for money (fiat). A year ago I went all in Bitcoin with whatever savings I had. I also exchanged all my other investments into Bitcoin. Most of my current fiat earnings are only enough to pay my bills.
Owing to the above if I ever suddenly encounter a major need for money, I'm only left with two options - selling Sats or borrowing fiat against it.
I definitely don't wanna sell my sats, so I'm not going to discuss it any further.
For borrowing I don't think/know we've a truly decentralised platform from where I can borrow fiat money and pay them back.
So, this brings me to ~AGORA on SN with this proposed solution.
What I need?
  • I need around $1000 to buy some goods.
My Offer
  • I am ready to mortgage an equivalent or slightly higher equivalent of $1k in Sats.
  • I'll pay 2% interest in sats. (Negotiable)
But wait...
It isn't as easy as said. There are at least two parts of it - one easier and the next is harder. Let's understand them one by one.
The easier Part This means if anyone agrees to lend me $1k, I'll send them 0.01186 BTC (or slightly higher, or, as agreed) on current prices.
Considering we agree upon 2% interest, when I'll return you $1k within 1 year, you'll send me 0.01186 - 2% = 0.0116228.
I hope you've understood this part.
The Harder Part
To actually realise it, there are ifs and buts we have to consider before proceeding.
  • What if either of the party counterfeits?
  • What if I don't payback?
  • What if you don't pay me back my sats after returning the borrowed amount?
  • But I can buy Sats with those $1k and earn more than interest.
  • What if, but, what if, but, and what if.... They won't end.
Let me propose a simple solution and that's F-A-I-T-H, Faith.
I don't know about your place but faith in borrowing and lending money is still very prevalent at my place.
So, here's the solution to WHAT IFS!
Let's break the $1k or 1.2 million sats in smaller fragments and facilitate in parts.
Let's say I send you 100k sats and you send me $84. (We can also consider smaller amounts than this.)
If this goes all well, let's make another transaction, and so on till we've both exchanged the amounts.
The one thing that really fascinated me to make this offer is the value and trust propositions of Stackers which is directly proportional to how much they ca be trusted in P2P exchanges for Sats.
Stackers who are old enough and valued highly should take the offers, i.e. for a P2P exchange for Sats to Fiat or vice versa, they can be sent the amount at first because they can be trusted to honestly facilitate the trade. And then they will send the amount to the asker.
Now that's a kinda hypothetical situation but top stackers of SN, kindly consider my offer and reply your interest in the comments or if you want to negotiate on the terms, please DM me at my nostr handle - @coinsreporter npub1q8v2ezygxvwljz5ujwklfwjz3g909l26adm6pty9sgqp632x2kzs3q8ryv
*Only higher ranked stackers than I should consider accepting the offer. I'll send the sats first so, it's a mandatory.
this territory is moderated
Use an existing service: https://www.lava.xyz/borrow
0 sats \ 5 replies \ @AG 22 Mar
5% + KYC 🤔 have you try it already?
21 sats \ 3 replies \ @AG 23 Mar
I personally agree to this approach: Never get anything if I can afford it. Maybe is a cheap mindset, but it helped me to stay away from debt, lucky enough I never experienced such a thing.
~AGORA is a marketplace, a place to exchange, knowledge included. Exchange opinions is more than welcome. But in a free market, who is responsible to drive what people should or shouldn't exchange?
I am still a bit supporter of the "~Education is key". True is some people never learn and just keep falling into the same mistake. We “as society” have been indoctrinated that way, doing without reasoning...
Debt leads to slavery. Staying away from debt it makes you stronger as individual and could take harsh decisions much easier in your life. It means that YOU are the creditor for yourself.
When you are in debt, you cannot take decisions by yourself, you will always depend on the creditors desire...
If you desire something that you can't afford it, then work harder or lower your expectations...
Fiat world trained people for centuries to think in a consumerism way and not in a savings way. Bitcoin came to fix that mentality, because with Bitcoin you MUST save sats in order to be able to spend them in the future. YOU CANNOT SPEND SATS THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE THEM. Lending money that you don't have them in the first place is not the right way to go.
Here is one of the best explanations of debt:
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @AG 23 Mar
I fully agree on what you wrote. So, from a marketplace moderation perspective, should we simply try to don't have these type of trades happening? Educate user instead having them starting loan/borrow offers and related escrow services? Isn't this approach against free market where users drive supply and demand?
There are many such services which I know.
10 sats \ 3 replies \ @AG 22 Mar
Wow, thanks for sharing this! While reading, I was thinking, will be a multisig enough to make this deal happen between 3 parties? I mean, you, the lender and a third stacker as escrow?
So this comment then is not only for you stackers that still having some fiatflow, but also for others interested to cover the escrow service, maybe for an additional 0.5-1% (i noticed that's a fair amount across other similar P2P services in bitcoin)
Would this be a solution for you @Coinsreporter?
Lets give scammers zero chances... 😉
Lets give scammers zero chances...
coinsreporter IS that scammer...
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 23 Mar
Hopefully, stackers people learn and grow
Lets give scammers zero chances... 😉
I definitely agree with you on this. Multisig and escrow can be a way but I don't think we actually should require it for smaller amounts. The trust value of some high stackers is enough.
Yes for big amounts we can create a multisig with not 1 but as many as we can for escrow with all must be high value stackers from SN.
My main purpose here is to indicate that how high value (trust score) on SN can indicate and be useful for towards real world use cases as with P2P trade.
Hey @grayruby and @Undisciplined, would you like to negotiate on the offer terms?
Shitcoiner trying to scam more