This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Bisq having issues connecting to tor. Also took longer than usual to fill my order.
The challenges of no-KYC stacking
Do you think that if there is a great reset it should include the year as well? How about changing the year from 2022 to 1, if/when the great reset happens?
Just thought of something that would be pretty nice to be on stacker news a search bar instead of having to browse through all the post?! would be nice! Keep stacking stackers
Dude, it's the little search button on the bottom right.
Maybe this should go in the header, people always seem to miss it!
Agreed. The header is just packed with stuff already so it'd be a pretty big overhaul
Once u see it you can't unsee it haha
I always over look it haha good shit @k00b lol geezus
I have been reading about Bitcoin article and it's interesting
Making progress in my tiny cabin project. Yesterday I was working on floor paneling but was unable to finish as it seems I'm two floorboards short πŸ˜… I used the wrong width when calculating the necessary amount. For now I'll just leave the gap there and paint the boards before they get dirty πŸ˜‰
Have a good one!
Nice! I spent last weekend putting down vinyl tile flooring that resembles wood in my basement. Stuff is way more forgiving than the real thing. Respect
Stuff is way more forgiving than the real thing.
True but it's no cakewalk either. Respect πŸ˜‰
Good day SN community what’s a good news story you have for us today?
I don't know if it's good, but this morning's Genesis meeting at 8 am has me paying attention!
Narrator: It was not good news