I have been using Brave as my default browser and have enjoyed it but wanted to understand how Impervious's browser is? I know there was a lot of hype around the launch but wanted to see if anyone on SN has been using it as their default and, if so, what has your experience been?
No, terms of service are not friendly
Can you explain for a few sats? Thank
There is an explanation here:
Basically the terms of service say that anything you type or record using the impervious browser becomes the intellectual property of the impervious company and they are allowed "to use your Contributions in any manner contemplated by the [company]." Including by selling your information:
"you automatically grant...to us an unrestricted, unlimited...worldwide right...to host, use, copy, reproduce, disclose, sell...and distribute [your] Contributions (including, without limitation, your image and voice) for any purpose."
When this was pointed out to them in the thread above, they dismissed it by saying it's just legal language that doesn't mean anything: "this is literally nothing. Love you all."
Some people are mad about that. If it's truly nothing, why not change it? They refuse to change it so far, and that gives the impression that maybe it's not nothing after all.
Thank you super test
I used it once the day it came out and it seems like firefox with some built in bookmarks and a worse "new tab" page. I kind of like the video chat feature but I'm just like "why is this different than me bookmarking jitsi?" Similar with the other p2p features, it seems like there are already great websites for each p2p feature, and bundling them into the web browser seems to bloat it. I don't always want to video chat, so why load that code every time I run the browser? If I want to video chat I'll go to a site for that, etc. So it didn't draw me away from plain old firefox.
I've had it installed for a while but can't see much reason to actually use it. It doesn't really try to do what brave does (pay you for browsing), it's really just a firefox fork with their plugin bundled into it. That plugin has a lightning wallet and some webrtc stuff (video calls, document editing). Without other people you know actually using it, it seems pretty worthless.
just once. trash.
It worked for a day now I am getting a proxy error in discord they told me to run some command in terminal but haven’t got around to it yet