I'd love to have more discussions on here. Perhaps we don't have any super commenters yet but if you're ordinarily very active on other sites, can you put a finger on why you are comment shy here?
I suspect tips might go along way to helping here. A couple of sats from upvotes might not be encouragement enough. I'm just wondering if there's something about commenting incentives that I've misunderstood.
This community is still small with a high signal to noise ratio. It's kind of like the old saying about people being mindful about garbage in cleaner cities and careless in messy cities.
Point being, more comments is not always a good thing. It takes a lot of effort to post something thoughtful. I'd prefer one sincere thoughtful comment to a thousand people parroting some variation of "in Russia, comment writes you". I do miss slashdot tho...
5 sats \ 9 boost \ 2 replies \ @03785de7ab 12 Aug 2021
I'm a bit confused about the order of post. I just upvote everything for now to give my encouragement in using the platform.
A small preview of the first one or two lines in the main page would also help in engaging. Titles are often too raw.
If there is a link, maybe showing the image preview would also help (option to toggle it off provided to keep sleek interface).
I explain how posts are ordered/ranked in the faq https://stacker.news/faq
Cool, someone else has suggested the link preview. I'll have to think about how to do that more.
that was mee...tho i think this person explained it much better lol
5 sats \ 1 boost \ 1 reply \ @banana 12 Aug 2021
I prefer to lurk.
i respect that
4 sats \ 1 boost \ 2 replies \ @nout 13 Aug 2021
Imho more comments will come with more people checking out Stacker News and you will have the opposite issue and will have to think hard about how to handle those :D
I wouldn't worry too much with 150DAU...
I agree with this. The majority of people simply want to lurk, and in the case of SN, might not even set up a wallet for upvoting posts and comments. As the site naturally grows, so will engagement.
Good point. Focusing on user growth will certainly solve the problem.
I just want to make sure there isn’t something anyone can put their finger on that’s inhibiting them.
id post more, but i dont really make any content, so id just be reposting someone ELSEs content and potentially getting sats for someone else's work. i posted the RHR and just donated 2k sats to them to offset any sats i get.
3 sats \ 5 boost \ 3 replies \ @LibreLoya 13 Aug 2021
It's all in the incentives.
Right now every action costs sats. Maybe you can tweak that a little bit.
-1 sats for commenting (but the first 10 of the day/everyday are free) -1 sats for upvoting -2 sats for downvoting -1 sats for a post -5 sats for a post with free discussion (upfronted by the OP).
Maybe even the OP of the link/post/article can designate a new post as open for free discussion (the cost is upfronted by the OP).
thats actually really smart idea.
I like the OP dictating the economics a lot!
Thanks for the opinion on the incentives too. It’s helpful to know they might be altering behavior in a way I don’t want right now.
I've always been a browser on reddit, and a sometimes poster on twitter. But seeing this comment made me want to comment...
Will happen organically. The site is awesome <3
2 sats \ 2 boost \ 1 reply \ @jack 13 Aug 2021 freebie
I don't know much about crypto so I mostly lurk :)
As the site grows (which it will) and I learn more, it will be easier for me to comment.
i honestly think it's time for profile pictures.
For sure! I have some cute ideas for this.
I want bios too. Make everyone feel like they have a whole identity on the site psuedo or not.