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10 sats \ 0 replies \ @m00ninite 11 Apr 2024 \ on: ISPs roll out mandatory 'nutrition' labels for speeds, fees and data allowances tech
More transparency, more good!
This kinda makes sense. People like gold as a stabilizer, right? If the price goes up, they'll want to rebalance
Is there a proper source for this graph? A Twitter post with no further information isn't much of a source
I guess my question was more "why do they need it"? Is demand for electricity really 3x that of the next state?
Why do they generate so much power without exporting it? Does Texas have that much more energy demands than other states?
It's a non-trivial amount, but you can compensate by using a longer locktime. I think my success comes from setting a 4 year locktime
I'm even more skeptical about merchants running their own nodes. They have enough to worry about, let alone making sure their payment system is safe, secure, backed up, built in a redundant way to reduce downtime.
I think there's going to be a lot of middleware-type companies that handle this for merchants, like visa and mastercard do. That is, of course, if we land on LN as the "final" solution for payments.
Frankly it's probably going to be a custodial situation for most merchants unless we can do away with the need for an immaculate server. Self-custody is pointless when the rug risk of your server crashing is higher than the rug risk of your custodian running off.
I would love if some of these tools supported automated liquid swaps. Would make pleb nodes remarkably more sat-efficient.
I think we're moving into the age of "only tech-literate enthusiasts will run this".
I was in the raspiblitz telegram through the last bull market and was astounded by how many people rolled through with very basic Linux-related issues with their nodes. I've had to bail quite a few people out of some trouble.
To begin with, I found it incredibly irresponsible for influencers and plebs alike to encourage noobs to run their own LN node. It's far too technical and way too many things can go wrong if you aren't already savvy in running a Linux server.
It's much better this way. Average plebs can use their easy mobile wallets, leave running the lightning infrastructure to the guys that already know how to run infrastructure.
It really depends on how much you put into the wallet and how big of a fidelity bond you make. It's not a lot, but it's not zero. I make maybe like 30ksats a month.
You can get paid for doing coinjoins with joinmarket. I'd call it damn close to "risk-free". Only risk is hot wallet risk
I just don't see how you could possibly live on a bitcoin standard without kyc coins. What happens when you want to buy a house? Are you going to spend the time finding thousands of buyers to take your coins? You'll end up labelled a money transmitter if the feds find out. Which they will when those funds hit your bank account before being turned into a mortgage loan or whatever.
It's a cute larp, and most people should have at least some KYC-free coins, but I just don't get how that scales when you need to spend/sell bitcoin in the 5, 6, or 7 figures range.
After the 80s is when helicopter parenting started getting commonplace. Wonder if there's a correlation?