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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @paul 25 Jan 2023 \ parent \ on: Are there any Bitcoin companies using AI? bitcoin
just saw this, I don't see how to DM here, so feel free to email support @ stakwork.com (attn paul in the subject line)
Thanks for posting this @satcat
We are posting 5-10 of these a week and paying out in sats. They range from $15-$500
The most popular regions are AR, PH and El Salv where there are lots of options to go from sats to local currency.
For example, in PH you can go from btc to pesos on coins.ph (owned by a major bank) right on your phone for I think around 2%. Pouch.ph is also available for lower fees.
Once past the qualification jobs, stak taskers get $3-4/hr at 2 hours a day = $180 a month.
We've hired around 45 people on stacker news to timestamp podcasts at $10/hr.
25 sats \ 0 replies \ @paul OP 4 Aug 2022 \ parent \ on: Earners need stablestuff, hodlers don't bitcoin
Thanks for providing the info about how you use p2p exchanges.
"hopefully it is the payment recipient who gets to choose: bitcoin or stablecoin."
We'll continue to pay in bitcoin at stak, but having a choice to be paid in a stablecoin would be a popular option in some countries.
"I don't see the issue with having sats as your denomination "
Thinking in sats is great, but doesn't address the issue for earners who have to pay bills. If you earn in sats and the price relative to fiat goes down, you may not be able to pay your bills.
25 sats \ 2 replies \ @paul OP 4 Aug 2022 \ parent \ on: Earners need stablestuff, hodlers don't bitcoin
Agreed that I'd rather receive payment in bitcoin vs a stablecoin. The issue here is, what do you do in between pay day and your rent being due?
If you don't have the savings to cover a drop in the bitcoin price, you may not be able to pay your bills. Stablestuff is a reasonable parking spot for a few weeks. Should people store long term savings in stablestuff? I wouldn't.
"dollar pegged asset without actually holding dollars"
This is probably the most succinct way to capture the concern. I wanted to point out that for sats earners in a world where bills are paid in fiat, you are going to be exposed to counter party risk. Bitrefill is doing their part with their bill pay program, but you can't force landlords to take it.
Great to see JohnC/Sensei integrating VLS. For those running lightning nodes, Devrandom and Ken S. have been working on VLS, which lets you manage the keys for signing lightning transactions on hardware that is separate from a hosted node. This lets you get the uptime of the cloud without exposing your keys. We wrote up the use case for enterprise users here: https://sphinx.chat/blog
We are working on something like this with github tickets at Sphinx.chat. Happy to collaborate:
Uh, this is just wrong. The task is to listen to podcasts and tag clips with topics. This is a direct quote from you to sam: "Currently I don't have time for timestamping, listening to podcast is something I already do and I have a good knowledge."
I haven't chatted with Dave from the podcasting index in a while, but they accept new podcast RSS addresses from a lot of sources. I would be very surprised if the pod2 index depends solely on the data in the hive blockchain. It may accept it as a one of many sources. I think they have a mastadon where you can ask Dave and talk to Brian and Adam as well.