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2,254 sats stacked
stacking since: #636966longest cowboy streak: 1
Welcome aboard!
Hello @proofoftaste 👋
Welcome to the platform!
It's full of quality content so read, learn, try to contribute by maintaining the same (or even better 😉) level of quality and last but not least zap ⚡ generously - it's the only way to both prioritize it and incentivize creators that share it!
Here are some intro articles that you need to go through in order to get familiar with the platform and its ideology:
I stay open for any questions or comments you might have.
P.S: Check-out ~news territory where I give my best to provide the latest and most interesting news and events worldwide 🌍
Howdy @proofoftaste and welcome to SN
Thanks for using the ~AGORA for requesting your needs! Hopefully some stacker will find and ship it to you.
Wish you great and prosperous times around this wonderful corner of the internet!
Stay tuned, stack sats ;)
Stack Sats and stay humble.