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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @rbckman OP 7 Dec 2024 \ on: I put all my btc on my FOSS camera project Gonzo Pi two years ago. DIY
so I took upon bill gates today with my gonzo pis https://youtu.be/UEh9PCz7BXE?si=ZYoySJhInHBlFhSn
seriously? :) is this it? is it gonna happen? here it is
what I would do today to totally secure my LN funds would be to just run one Bitcoin and a CLN machine and take it from there. Now you Are the bank. Like this site for example. You don't have a LN wallet here to say. It's in the DB as it should be. Again you dont need to worry. Stacker News have u peeps coverd aightr! This is the way to do it today. Maybe, in distant future it will be diffeerent!? Like you could have your personal wallet url or something. BOLY12 is around the corner sup evybad?
110% adoption happens where adoption is needed, there are scumbag banks trying to get the people to sign whatever bs documents they have for people but they wevcerytime eant tot scam people cuzz where do bank peope get their money, that's goddam right son, scammin peoeple. hey, cmoon what if u don't need to sign any papers cuz of freaking internet and computers. daaah.!!?
At Play in the Fields of the Lord
This movie is so much underrated. It's filmed in the Brazilain Amazonas. WEST >< the TRIEBE it's just fantastic piece of movie art. If you never saw it and like film more than a blockbuster hockus pocus thing the this is for you. You are welcome.
Want to see the most fantastic action made by human kind. Matrix was nothin.
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Beats matrix anytime
hectic times for sure, I don't even know to worry about no candlesticks or graphs cuz I know about teh real deal, yeah right. code is like rules. well some feel like to ignore that there's a thing like that. I can do prove em wrong. They do as they desire all teh way until they ask me what to do about the situation and I tell em then to just be cool.
I'll be reading your post again and again cuz this is where adoption will spread like wildfire. Imagine you got a smartphone in for example Burkina Faso, les say and u download Wallet Of Satoshi, and boom suddeny u can send money to alll around the world wtf. come on.
yes, I think Wallet of Satoshi would be my go to LN custodial wallet, for now, also I haven't been checking in much frequently on the LN wallets out there but hey maan, Big Freaking Props to you man trying to go about it in Africa. This would be a dream come true to to me If I got there. Helping the world out of turmoil, one country at a time man. This is the way. Fuck alll them who don't here us screaming now. There are countires out there who will listen.
It was when the reprap movement started, anyone remember that? 3d print a 3d printer! yup, I was all into building my first 3d printer back then when a good l33t haxor friend introduced me to bitcoin. I can't remember what year it was?
anyways I didn't have time to look into Bitcoin back then. He sent me some, I remember trying it out. oh yeesh. Just remembered something else also. Ddosing Visa back then. It was down for atleast a day I believe.
crazy times then, crazy times now.
It took me atleast couple of more years before I saw Antonopolus in court somewhere in Canada? on youtube, defending Bitcoin and I was like holy crap shit this is the real deal. Then fired up my own node, soon after, lightning network started to come alive. I was like a Linux dev shifting to developing the lightning in C. Hell yea I'm in!!
ya feel the same about some of the things I said here also. uhm. yee. I really should delete one comment I made here cuz it uhm, it's not that I said anything that I regret or anything. Sometime I spill too much outta mi heart. I could get into trouble if somebody start searching me. uhm. not that I paranoid or anything. when u got the time @k00b when u got the time. No hurry no worry.
24 sats \ 0 replies \ @rbckman 13 Jan 2023 \ parent \ on: What are you working on this week? bitcoin
holy shit these are awesome! thanks for sharing! gotta print these frame em and put on the walls.. goddamn they good maan!
got my bitcoin lightning/on-chain web shop working. You can set prices in btc or fiat. You can sell both digital or physical goods, the checkout will ask only for mail address if you buy digital goods. You get to set price for different shipping fees in there according to your postal fees. You'll get a link to your digital goods if buying, where all digital goods from same email are... here's couple workin examples https://shop.tarina.org/ https://rockmanbrothers.com/ aaaand here's the source code https://dev.tarina.org/p/thiswebshoprules/ if you wanna get down to it. RIP Aaron Swartz who started web.py which it's built upon.
get up stand up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhJ0q7X3DLM