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Translated: you won't ask a girl why she comes to meetups because of some assumption about what she understands

Japanese) Lostinbitcoin.jp / Tokyo Bitcoin Hackers Lostinbitcoin was founded by Teruko Neriki, who translated ... Japanese) Tokyo Bitcoin Hackers meetup Interview with Teruko (English) The Bitcoin Standard Japanese translation

I’ll provide the link, but you’ll have to run it through a translator. ... I started to translate some of his pre-2012 Trilema blog posts, which were written in Romanian.

Therefore, I have created a little translation guide of my own to assist those having difficulty understanding

For example, if your address is heisenberg@stacker.news, your wallet will translate that into URL https

higher than thou bitcoiners who would probably say $$ price, but imo price is one of the most direct/translatable

Sovereign alternative to Google Translate We need a real decentralized mesh network for censorship resistant

A 3-4 hour trip on the highways of the USA translates to about a ~13 hour journey in Ghana.

(or finishing translations) for Zeus wallet and Blixt wallet. ... noobs, read more here: https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/what-you-did-for-bitcoin I start: last week I translated

I have the help of https://www.deepl.com/translator to help me with the translation, so I apologize if ... Therefore, I would be glad if you could give me feedback and point out any mistakes, whether in translation ... At the same time, I will also translate these articles into Spanish and add simulations of the game programmed

I tend to think of it like a Lightning-struck Reddit, and that translates well with my bitcoiner friends

The headline "Collor bloqueia o dinheiro" translates to "Collor blocks money". ... que os usuários consolidaram o uso do Pix no dia a dia, mas isso também eleva o número de golpes Translated ... Emoji Screen adapted from the Bitcoin UI Kit From a technical perspective, this feature involves translating

Authored by Morris and Linda Tannehill, the content translated into spanish apparently changed Javier

that the presentation is in Spanish and it was never my intention to make it in English, but I might translate

I can definitely see where shouting "hodl" at newcomers isn't going to help translate the benefits of

tweets speculating on his Bitcoin plans, I really just want Javier’s views on Bitcoin in his own words (translated

If you can’t, type your normal reponse into ChatGPT and ask to have them translate to nice for you.

Anyway, that’s why I think this profound respect for food is translated into the rituals the Japanese

The closest thing that's similar to this is network address translation (NAT).

The sutra that describes aparigraha is translated by B.K.S.

I don't have access to reliable translations, but the original Dutch of the verse ran: God sprak tot ... Noach: Ga nu een bootongeluk krijgen met uw gesinde In d'Ark which can be translated as "God said to