It's Sunday, so it's time to discuss another quote. ... than giving my thoughts on the quote as a jumping off point. ... I think my strategy of just throwing the quote out there and letting everyone respond has been better
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I first heard this quote some years ago on a podcast. ... Today's quote is from When Nietzsche Wept: A Novel Of Obsession by Irvin D. Yalom. ... Full disclosure, I have not read this book, but I do like the quote and often reference it with my 13 ... Yalom I often use this quote alongside encouragement for my son to put a "full effort" into something
What do you think about this quote? Let's discuss. ... For today's quote let's travel back to ancient Greece. ... with the Greek philosopher Plato, so let's skip the introduction and get straight to the matter of discussion
Was hoping to post the quote here and get a discussion going about it. ... Earlier today, in response to Siggy's recent territory newsletter we were discussing stoicism. ... What do you think of the quote? How it describes the world? ... Here is the quote: "A nation is born stoic, and dies epicurean. ... This reminded me of a quote from "The Lessons of History" by Will and Ariel Durant that I often like
It's time for another edition of Discuss this Quote. ... Let me know your thoughts on the quote. Cheers, GR
Trying something a bit different this week on discuss this quote. ... Looking forward to the discussion. Cheers, GR ... Typically I like to focus on a quote that I really enjoy and get stackers' interpretation and thoughts
-John Adams What do you think of this quote? ... I first came across this quote in the HBO miniseries John Admas. ... This is a quote I often think of when I observe how willingly people surrender their freedoms for perceived
Today I have an Easter edition of Discuss this Quote.
original quote also) ... .” — Søren Kierkegaard Share your favourite quotes that could be said in some way about Bitcoin (add
Which are your best own quotes? ... Craft those quotes that resonate with your soul and share them with SN.
A very profound quote.
and therefore learns, only in a state of silence, in which this whole background is in abeyance, is quite
My file has reached an hundred quotes, and I've decided to extract some of my favourites and share them ... you're like me, you probably have a document (likely in digital format) where you jot down your favorite quotes
Tell me who said this quote and when.
here are some of my favorite quotes from my favorite books.
Thought this was an epic quote from his recent podcast with Robert Breedlove, John Vallis, Erik Cason
wise men quotes