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I'm still not sure why everyone shudders "the tether fud" as if it was something made out. ... If the Terra ponzi was something around 40B size andBTCUSD dropped some 20%, what would happen with Tether

So how does tether fail? ... down of Binance & the sudden removal of Wallet of Satoshi from the US market, it makes me think that Tether ... Interested in watching from an objective standpoint (as in I don't hold any tether of course) how this

Tether is one of the fastest growing exporters of US dollar colonialism. ... From Matthew Kratter's Bitcoin University Video Description In this video, I discuss how Tether and ... Encourage more people in the global South and elsewhere to use USDT 2) More global demand for USDT leads Tether ... What's a much better and more ethical way to spread Bitcoin adoption?

Tether is always someones liability - there are billions sat on exchanges - surely they have better information ... I've been a bitcoiner of a few years, but I could do with knowing more about Tether. ... But to be better informed.

Almost all of us here know that Tether (USDT) is a stable cryptocurrency that has all the positive aspects ... a stablecoin supposedly backed by fiat money, but since It has been suspected for a long time that Tether ... price of Bitcoin could fall precipitously, which really does not worry much, but what do you think of Tether