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0 sats \ 2 replies \ @steepdawn974 10 Jan 2024 \ on: PeerSwap Economics: Comparison with LOOP (and the problem with Rebalancing) lightning
How does one discover nodes offering peerswaps?
Is there a flag or something, or does one have to ask on Twitter ;) ?
It safe to deterministically split your seed in two parts (e.g. words 1-6 ==> part1, and 7-12 ==> part2), and store them separately? Or can the whole seed be guessed/restored from just knowing one part?
Cashu is cool. What's lacking imho at the moment is a reputable, reliable, ie. professional (set of) mint(s).
The whole point of e-Cash is custody; so own it.
It makes no sense if everybody and their dog runs their own mint. You as a user have to spread trust of across multiple, often unknown and amateurish entities.
It would be perfect If the bigger custodial LN wallet providers (Wallet of Satoshi for instance) were to switch to a cashu model
What most bitcoiners really get wrong
#1: Bitcoin is valuable, because it's scarce (the 21m narrative).
#2: Hodl, but dont spend. << it's a corrolary to #1
Pure scarcity means nothing. My nose hair is a scarcity, yet it's still worthless.
What matters is Demand (=use case), in relation is to (limited) supply (=scarcity). If people do not use Bitcoin, or if the next best alternative serves the purpose just as well, then the scarcity itself is just irrelevant.
The single most important propertiy of Bitcoin is its censorship resistance. Its ability to make transactions that THEY dont want you do make.
A few Q's-
- Are these virtual Debit cards, to be used in Google/Apple Pay?
- Rechargeable, or throw-away?
- Any fees when spending?
When do we get Standard Sats hedge service in Lnbits? :-D https://github.com/lnbits/lnbits/pull/1025
The token from one Cashu mint are not compatible with token from another Cashu mint (right?)
Would it be possible to make them compatible? i.e. I can pay ecash token from Cashu1 to Cashu2 directly (no ecash<-->LN<-->ecash involved). That is essentially what fediMint is trying to solve, isnt it?
There is no one USDT; there exist different USDT tokens on multiple chains, and the "freezing" has to be subject to the rules of the chain.
USDt on ETH for instance is relatively easily frozen, since it's all one contract.
My understanding is, that USDt on Liquid on the other hand, can't be frozen because it has confidential assets and it is not visible to even the federation members whether a certain address holds L-USDt, or some other Liquid asset.
Even if it could still be somehow found out which addresses holds L-USDt (e.g. data leak, ChainAnal etc) you'd need 11-of-15 functionaries to phsically upgrade their Nodes/HSMs with some sort of blacklist.
Deploying two more nodes for Raspiblitz development. Will eventually run PeerSwap (with on-chain and Liquid) and TEoS Watchtower service
130 sats \ 0 replies \ @steepdawn974 27 Oct 2022 \ parent \ on: Amboss Launches New Stats Portal bitcoin
- Wall of Shame website for data sharing nodes (where publicyl visible) now
- lobby for the much more previcy preserving 2-bits approach proposed by Rene Pickardt
Apart from that, make script/plugin for nodes to report intentionally false data -essentially spam Amboss- has the best short-term cost-benefit ratio. Granted, we must assume that the big regulated nodes will virtue signal and openly communicate to not report false data, but the moment a payment takes two hops through non-datasharing nodes, then there is enough reasonable doubt
Keet uses DHT to find&connect peers directly (p2p). Are we sure the peers are not leaking their IP addresses to the other peers in the swarm as in Bittorrent?
No. A normie will be confused by channel opening fees, because less money arrives than what was send. their immediate reaction is either "scam" or "wow, is this expensive. Paypal/CashApp/et al cost me nothing" etc etc
We know why the fee occurs and why it's necessary, but when talking about "making it invisible" then it's those little things that throw normies off big time.
Hosted channels in a proper wallet would probably the best option for seamless newbie onboarding, and still offer reasonable privacy
wow, quite expensive. Looks like the cheapest non-Russian number is 54k sats (UK), for a 4hours rental.
you usually have only 1-2 activation SMS in such a time frame
Did they completely drop Liquid and On-chain support in the new UI?? the PoS only shows LN invoices, with no option anywhere to switch.
Also, there is no Withdraw option anymore- except in the classic version?
For reference, what ports would need to be open on the node to the internet in order to operate tunnelsats?
TCP 443, I suppose.
TCP 80 as well?
any more?