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0 sats \ 1 reply \ @thrown 20 Jul 2023 \ parent \ on: Former Monero Maintainer FUDs Mutiny Wallet bitcoin
Literally moving the goalposts. But that’s okay. You fail there too. Monero and LTC are used more than BTC lol.
Why not come up with talking points that actually support Bitcoin? We need a better class of maximalist honestly.
Shitcoiners hate personal responsibility
There are more people using custodial services for Bitcoin than just about any other “shitcoin” in existence
I suggested pinning the front end to a service like IPFS where you know that you’re only using a certain version number and not going to get an upgrade of the app without your knowledge.
Seems like a good solution to me, but I was dismissed by the creator of Mutiny Wallet with “IPFS is a scam” or some similar comment. Completely ignoring the idea itself. Ignore IPFS, let people host the front end on github pages or something. The idea is making the hosting accessible and easy for people so they don’t need to worry about forced upgrades.
Why wouldn’t this idea work?
It does seem that way.
But that crossroads seems so far in the future I don't think it's worth worrying about. If bitcoin is successful and hyperbitcoinization happens and bitcoin is the world's reserve asset, all these potential problems will get sorted out along the way. It's similar to the security budget debate. Sure, it's interesting to consider but if bitcoin is important to the world, it sorts itself out (maybe not in the way we like but it does).
We don’t need to consider these questions. If we believe hard enough, we’ll all be rich!
Buying a house outright is a pipe dream that ended when the world population is out pacing the rate of homes being built. The debt system will exist as long as there are less houses than people and debt does not go well with BTC.
People also die every day. Supposedly a lot of them died during covid.
The inventory issues with housing are mostly a result of decades of (mis)planning and corruption. It’s not a result of any natural market
The questions you’re asking just seem responsible. In comparison, @grayruby seems like they like to take risks and gamble with money
This is interesting https://nostr.kiwi/note/14347df03ffb993ed6900da4575e0d371187c332a96ead13d42a4def84f8d82c
When you start a community? Your first post in the community is a regular post on your feed?
One thing is that it’s the only wallet that wants to provide best practices out of the box.
It is UX-centric rather then Feature centric.
Feature centric would be providing a bunch of capabilities and telling users “go nuts”. UX-centric is providing guided common journeys based on best practices.
It even has an activity feed like Venmo, Cash app, etc. super nice
Phoenix had no channel management when i tried last month. It opened and closed automatically for you. Which is scary bad when the opening and closing costs so much
What is the best way for someone that isn’t a system administrator to manage channels like you’re talking about?
Do any mobile wallets allow it? Phoenix doesn’t i know
I'm staying in LN as much as I can from now on, and I'm sure that is in a lot of people's minds.
How do you figure that? Opening and closing channels will be just as expensive if not more than on-chain transactions right? And the majority of transactions are one-off payments (for me at least)
the smallest decimal place will realistically be worth $1 in the next 10 years, so they just gotta deal with that haha
seems like this is a good middle ground though. people that use BTC won’t be confused as to what they’re using and people that use Sats won’t be inconvenienced by seeing a little 0. in front, right?
As of now, Relays don’t have guaranteed longevity. But SSS schemes don’t really plan on needing messages to be up form multiple years right? I thought stuff like data recovery happened in a matter of days in that system
does it follow this spec? https://github.com/satoshilabs/slips/blob/master/slip-0039.md
I’ve thought that NOSTR would be a great network to coordinate the messages because you can blast them out over 20 different relays for maximum availability
best thing about this client is showing:
for all of these:
accounts you follow
accounts you follow + your followers
accounts you follow + everyone they follow
Is there a privacy focused wallet on iOS yet? All the options seem to be on android for some reason.
Also, are there any user guides for multi-sig wallets that explain what to do after you set them up? There are many guides on how to set up various wallets, but i can’t find any guides on how to use them on a daily basis. What does that look like? My dad would carry a signing device on his keychain? How can we help people understand the best practices for actual use?