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3 sats \ 0 replies \ @GengarGod007 3 Aug 2022 \ on: How many shitcoins do you own? bitcoin
Sorry but shitcoins have their uses. There are features that Bitcoin is lacking and I don’t like to use centralized services at all
Not sure who would be excited about this. Stablecoins have existed forever and I trust USDC/USDT more than OkEx. I’m waiting for Taro on the LN for real stablecoin integration.
Maybe don’t call Bitcoin “sats” and use so much jargon. Otherwise I love the idea of shaming your (close) friends who buy a bunch of shit/have shopping habits. Such a waste, buy Bitcoin and less shit goes to the landfill as well… win win
Hackernoon is such shit, always like blockchain for dummies articles with some shitcoin shill at the end
If everything but Bitcoin is deemed a security, this whole industry is fucked Bitcoin included. We’ll go back to $5k with no volume
If it’s cheaper to mine, then it’s cheaper to attack the network as well so I’m not sure that matters. More money spent equals more security. If you have to mine your own blocks to get your transaction through then double spending transactions would be trivial.
Lol these Arthur Hayes blogs are classic. Would be interesting if this is the bottom, I’d believe it, but as he says it’s 100% political so you’re betting on the whims of our unelected Fed overlords. Us mere mortals don’t really know or have a say here.
Either way I’m slowly buying, probably won’t time the bottom right either way and the prices seem right to me!
Would it be possible to add things like daily transaction count, daily transaction fees paid, transaction count and BTC volume? Or is data like this totally impossible to view on LN