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71 sats \ 2 replies \ @Malachi17T 17 Oct 2024 \ on: SN elects to go noncustodial on Nov. 5th - FAQ & AMA meta
My basic feeling on the matter is this is a forced decision that sucks in terms of allowing value for content. The Cowboy Credits are like a shitcoin with no actual value other than a wooden nickle kind in this ecosystem. After all the stuff I've heard from folks about Trump's crypto offering, it is interesting to me that everyone is more receptive to this.
Having said that, I understand the "why" this is being done, but the solution having no Sat related value is not a good long term solution. A better solution might have been to arrange things such that is impossible for stacker news to "KYC" at all. If someone zaps or doesn't zap in such a system, well then, that is of no relevance and is more in keeping with the original vision of Bitcoin.
The early version of this kind of crap started with the White House projecting the rainbow colors on it. This then led to Facebook people plastering their profiles with it. If you didn't do that, you stood out, and of course people drew conclusions. It hasn't gotten better from that point forward.
Many forces have been after the archive for awhile. It's like taking your grandpa's walker away, though.
78 sats \ 0 replies \ @Malachi17T 9 Oct 2024 \ parent \ on: The Disappearance of an Internet Domain tech
They are a weakpoint. I think gnunet has solved the problem elegantly, but is has little adoption and is kind of rickety to get to function.
This take is an odd one. The Boomers, if guilty are anything, are guilty of allowing their idealism to die off. Subsequent generations have fragments of ideals in all the wrong places for the most part. The big "sleeper generation" is probably X. They aren't boomers, and their work ethic is different entirely from that generation.
The internet companies have proven the internet is not about free speech. The freedom of the press has also shown, lately, to be not so free since the presses are in the employ of places like Amazon.
I wonder what they are going to do when they figure out that they are the ones who are going to collapse?
Yep. That's the "sensitive stomach" diet which eliminates grain. Evidence is that the corn is causing inflammation. You want the omega threes to be in proportion to the sixes in a 3:1 proportion if memory serves. Current reference research suggests 5:1, but I think that's probably being too generous. source: https://www.dogcancer.com/articles/diet-and-lifestyle/omega-3-and-6-for-dogs/