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10 sats \ 0 replies \ @felipehere 22 Aug 2023 \ parent \ on: Proof of BlackRock: This BTC address just accumulated $3 billion in 2 months bitcoin
On Twitter: https://x.com/wublockchain/status/1693905744712908968?s=46&t=E2aGzJeeWF70rKeqLZ3Jzg
It makes sense that it is just a new address from an exchange… I guess that, for someone to acquire US$ 3B in such a short time, the USD/BTC would need to move a lot.
33 sats \ 1 reply \ @felipehere 25 Jul 2023 \ parent \ on: Where are the people who used to work? tech
I do believe it explains considerably. Even though computers, mobile phones, Amazon, YouTube, Etsy, etc are around for quite a while, it looks like they achieved true mainstream status more recently (to all economic classes and geographies worldwide), especially after COVID.
Workers now have more options than ever:
- Marketplaces (such as Amazon) allow anyone to buy & sell to niches;
- YouTube / Instagram allow anyone to become some sort of celebrity and monetize content;
- Anyone can switch careers more easily as knowledge is widely available for free (less reliant on schools & diplomas).
We may be in the middle of a huge labour market shift and prices / wages should gradually adjust to reflect new preferences.
It works for iOS! I was not even aware that iOS was supporting push notifications for PWAs. Thank you @ekzyis!
In order to rate your setup, it is crucial to understand how you are dealing with your seed phrases backups.
If your seed phrase backups for each multisig device are all located in the same house, the multisig setup wouldn't bring much additional benefit vs your original single sig setup. Both setups protect your savings against online/hacker attacks, due to its cold storage nature. However, they don't protect you against 1) house invasion/robbery; or 2) catastrophic loss (house burns).
In your 2-of-3 multisig setup, you are able to mitigate these 2 mentioned risks by keeping your seed phrases backups in different locations, such as:
- phone/computer: backup in a cloud-based password manager
- hardware wallet 1: backup at home
- hardware wallet 2: backup at a family member's house
You could keep improving the setup from here... Always ask yourself which risks you are eliminating/mitigating and which ones you accept (due to lower likelihood of happening). This exercise should help you to find the right balance of security and complexity for yourself 😀
I've been running a node for more than a year and I'm happy to summarize here my experience:
Revenue vs Profit:
Depending on your channels, it is possible to boost fees earned by unprofitably rebalancing certain channels. I don't see the point of doing it so I personally find it more fun / interesting to focus on improving profit vs increasing revenue from fees.
Standardizing profit metrics:
I've followed many discussions about routing earnings, profit, etc... I never felt confident that: a) people were measuring the same thing; or b) that they were using a meaningful metric. I personally find it more meaningful to install LNDg (a great tool to manage your Lightning node and analyze your performance as a router), go to the P&L section and look at your "Percent Cost" on the last 30 days, 90 days and Lifetime. If your "Percent Cost" is below 100%, you are profitable. In my case, it is above 100% in all 3 metrics (not profitable).
I'm not saying that it is impossible to profit from routing fees but it is definitely not trivial. Currently I don't spend a lot of time managing my node and my main reasons to keep running it are:
- sovereignty... no need to rely on custodial lightning wallets;
- avoiding fees when moving sats around (for you and family/friends);
- learning :)
Have fun and thank you for raising this discussion!
Thank you for sharing your perspective, @petertodd.
For folks not knowledgeable enough about this topic like me:
This article from BuyBitcoinWorldwide.com provides a good summary about RBF (Replace By Fee).
It is a bet that can certainly work out (borrow to purchase lump sum vs DCA'ing with your own cash flow), specially if applied during a bear market.
However, there is a BIG downside here with the borrowing service... You are not really purchasing bitcoin because you don't have custody during the investment period - only at the end. Unfortunately, many unforeseen bad things could happen during the investment period and you could get rekt. When DCA'ing to purchase bitcoin and putting it into your own non-custodial wallet, it is truly yours.
Bitcoin is remarkably simple: just DCA with your own free cash flow over time and you should be fine 😊
"Using the GRA to cover losses doesn’t require selling gold, it requires changing the accounting rules." 🤷🏻♂️
Thank you for sharing your story and your reflections here. As you said, while one could still argue if freedom of speech is really at risk with such unexplained Twitter bans (and I'm not saying it is not), it is still a fact that time and effort are lost by the user banned.
For anyone creating content directly on centralised platforms, this is an important wake-up call.
Publishing content primarily on a self-hosted blog / website / newsletter is a good practice. After all, we can always create content on our site and post the link to it later in whatever social media platform we desire. It is also possible to build (and retain!) an audience directly from our blog/newsletter if readers subscribe to it.
As you well pointed out, social media platforms such as Twitter and Stacker News are extremely valuable for content discovery, conversations and moderation (by leveraging the likes, dislikes, etc). But we can mitigate the risk of losing everything by adopting self-hosting of our content at least :)
@ln123, thank you for extracting/highlighting these pieces from the T&Cs + sharing your insights.
If you haven't already, take a look at this article from Unchained Capital: https://unchained.com/blog/why-2-of-3-multisig/
It is one of the best pieces at explaining multisig that I have found. They also offer their own custody services in a similar fashion than Casa.
Blockstream Green's Multisig Shield is a free service that you may want to check as well: https://help.blockstream.com/hc/en-us/articles/900001388366-What-does-Blockstream-Green-s-multisig-protect-from-
If your kids enjoy playing games, you can show them one of the play-to-earn games available (check https://zebedee.io/play). I prefer to reward them for doing something useful, but this is also one additional way for them to stack some sats 😀
My son plays Sarutobi (available on mobile) now and then... He had to learn how to transfer the balance from his ZBD wallet to his LNbits wallet, so at a minimum this is helping him to become more familiar with Lightning stuff 😄
50 sats \ 2 replies \ @felipehere 31 Jul 2022 freebie \ parent \ on: Encouraging kids to stack sats bitcoin
I was facing the same issue here and this was the solution for me: I've created LNbits wallets for myself (instead of using the LND lightning wallet) and the kids... Transfers among LNbits wallets in the same node won't incur in fees. You can connect their LNbits wallets to their phones using the Lndhub extension in LNbits + BlueWallet. Let me know if it works for you!