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0 sats \ 0 replies \ @howdoiturnthisthingon 1 Apr 2023 \ on: Crypto Exchange Bittrex to Wind Down U.S. Operations Next Month bitcoin
I still had $0.11 in there....and it's gone.
I've found Bisq to have better pricing and more reliable traders than Robosats or Hodlhodl. Being an order "maker" I consistently get my 0% to -1% orders taken in about an hour. It's worth noting I have only used Zelle to buy BTC.
So... Send all your sats to miners and receive nothing of value. Sure I mean if that's what you're into.
Smells like corporate media pushing a narrative of capitulation just prior to our next large move downward. If you hold shares in a company you believe in, then there's no reason to sell. Likewise, lows in BTC are a great opportunity to continue stacking.
For another perspective, the 2-year compounded CPI is unchanged so really they should have held 75 BP, or actually increased to 100 BP if their goal was to get inflation to come down in the near-term.
OCT: 1.062 x 1.077 = 1.143774 = 14.38%
NOV: 1.068 x 1.071 = 1.143828 = 14.38%