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0 sats \ 1 reply \ @inverselarp 10 Nov 2024 \ parent \ on: EU Suggests Replacing Last Russian Gas With US LNG news
Using russian gas got EU into russian hands in the first place. EU should cut as much ties as possible with russia.
You mean those when rich russians that manage to escape sanctions go to vacations? I certainly have russian friends that are doing everything to get some of eu citizenships. I mean every russian would tale eu/us citizenship rn. Russia is a shithole and more with every day.
Do you really want to compare EU to russia? Enough to say that (even pre war) there was literally no emigration to russia while opposite direction it was masses.
I am waiting till some of the podcasters finally asks him this. Having said that i’ve stopped listening interviews with him. I havent heard him say anything novel for a long time. With OpenSats he has a perfect vehicle for donations.
Just remembered this good ol' (.NET Core 3+) trick to hook custom code on app startup https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/main/docs/design/features/host-startup-hook.md
"An example of such a use case is a hook that injects logging, telemetry, or profiling into an existing deployed application at runtime."
What never stops to blow my mind is how perverse it is. You are forced to have a bank account yet bank could close your account any time with no reason just because they dont like your business. If you have an account they have license to lend your money and they are not obliged to borrow you anything. They lend your money to your direct business competitor and not you without any obligation to disclose reason. You after all that have to participate and borrow to “invest” so that you beat the debasement and you somehow have to convince yourself you are lesser piece of shit because you just have to.
Not sure what you mean by the interesting dependencies. I’ve tried to built in bunch of ecosystems (most recently lot of playing with Rust) yet there is nothing (imo) on par to .NET. Quality and maturity of tools, awesome languages, libraries. My theory is that it people still think it is closed source and specific to Windows.
He always had strong SBF vibes. Bullshit on top of bullshit covered with pipe dream ideals. I actually respect bunch of people in ETH land but Vitalik is not one of them.
It filters out blocks by given criteria. So you can use it in hypothetical future when bip300 or ctv will be in default node implementation
F# is language I always wanted to use more. I used to do a bit SML back in the days and i loved it. Problem is C# is too good and practical to justify the switch in non-F# environments (teams).
I think i would be ok with asset that copies currency debasement. S&P share is good asset if you have the luxury to live in the country that guarantees your shareholder rights for decades to come. That is very optimistic view of the future. Not sure if i would bet all my money in this basket even in strongest democracies today.
Afaik, they started to do all this on shitcoin chains as well. What would be the reason to push for change on Bitcoin?
👋, these days many tasks in default mode is similar few-liners. I’d like do test how much lines would it take to run a dockered node and wait for transaction to be mined using NBitcoin