Stacker News was designed for Bitcoin builders, so we decided to reinforce this idea with a weekly thread for Bitcoin builders connect with each other.
If you're building something, no matter how big or small, leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on. If you'd like feedback or help from other users, feel free to share that too.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates SN users shared from all their work projects.
Building Voltage! More info here:
Hey are you actually the guy? I just saw an interview about voltage and it was amazing I think on Preston's youtube channel.
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @gd 30 Nov 2022
Awesome work! I’ve started working through it tonight. Building a lightning node stack or the future, your work is invaluable to the privacy we can extend to so many network participants!
Thank you for those words and for caring! Definitely give any feedback if you can, esp if something doesn't make sense. We hope to make sure this is an iterative website that stays up to date. And definitely ask any questions if you're unsure of. We thought about making a matrix community to talk about lightning privacy stuff but for now I think github issues/discussions should be okay for now.
This week I'm relaxing. I got my LNBits working and I finally got a few friends and family set up on Lightning with me being the custodian. So I'll get myself some rest and enjoy sending invoices back and forth with them for a bit :).
Trying to giveaway sats to incentivize people to get informed about bitcoin and lightning, mostly doing it through microlancer paying people to watch bitcoin education videos
Lightning Coffee is almost ready for a proper beta. After some final reviews, I will be funding nodes to allow tipping. Any comment is appreciated.
Prototyping a small enclosure to sound-proof a S9 and use it as a room heater! Everything will be open source, and eventually i'll sell pre-built kits. Follow on twitter @couteausuisse
Oooh let me know when you do, I might be a first customer.
Finishing up the free courses Bitcoin for Developers and Bitcoin for Everyone, learned a lot about the beautiful math behind Bitcoin
Got any favorite bitcoin quotes?
We just built a random quote generator for our quiz page. Right now it features only quotes from Satoshi, but it would be great to include more, so any suggestions are welcome! Thanks 🧡
I'm working on bringing lightning to Settle Up - app for people managing group expenses. With lightning they will be able to seamlessly settle their IOUs.
Just finishing my training before my first full marathon!
Already have a couple of videos in the pipeline to publish in my Bitcoin Youtube channel.
I am playing around with a raspiblitz image for x64 computers, on various hardware configurations (NUC, PC, Laprtop) and with different LN implementations (CLN and LND). Testing in generally.
Maybe I will prepare another guide for newbies.
Here is the documentation I am following - by @openoms (excellent documentation)
Exactly like in this nice video explaining the theory of everything: for more you fuck around... more you will find out.
  • beefing up user analytics
  • adding optional turbo tipping setting that when enabled makes each bolt click 10x your last
I have a few changes already done locally too:
  • job board stuff
  • option to remove yourself for top users (ie rich list)
I was also going to add a page for donating to the daily rewards pot, but might not get to it by Friday. We'll see.
how will turbo tipping relate to the various bolt colors? Can you link an explanation of how the color coding currently works?
But I don't get what this var(--secondary) is.
Also, I am surprised that it seems that the color changes for every tip? I thought there are threshold where it flips to the next color. But doesn't seem to be the case:
$ python Python 3.10.8 (main, Nov 1 2022, 14:18:21) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import math >>> math.floor(math.log(1) / math.log(10000) * 734) 0 >>> math.floor(math.log(11) / math.log(10000) * 734) 191 >>> math.floor(math.log(12) / math.log(10000) * 734) 198 >>> math.floor(math.log(13) / math.log(10000) * 734) 204 >>> math.floor(math.log(14) / math.log(10000) * 734) 210
I am surprised that it seems that the color changes for every tip
It's a gradient so it's a pretty subtle change.
But I don't get what this var(--secondary) is.
It's the css variable for bitcoin orange.
Ah, I used 1 as my default tip now and could see the subtle gradient change now :) Cool, thanks!
It currently follows the rainbow through a gradient on a log 10 scale roughly, where 10000 sats tipped is the highest, ie purple.
<= 10 sats = orange 100 sats = green 1000 sats = blue 10000 sats = purple
I'm not sure how we'll have turbo tipping affect colors. Perhaps each click on turbo tipping will follow the rainbow too, regardless of your default tip. I still also need to figure out how it overlaps with press-and-hold custom tips.
Open to feedback if you have a preference.
Improving a private lightning address server so that it's ready for release.
Bitcoin Metrics - Bitcoin ONLY market analytics and on-chain metrics Android app with widgets.
So far have just built out the UI and basic price and 24hr-price-change queries. What are the next metrics that you'd like to see added?
Cool. I don't have android but I like the idea. Will you have metrics beyond price like the clark moody dashboard kind of stuff?
Just added 24h volume, and market cap metrics and looking to keep adding more all the time, though I'll need to find another API offering, as I've reached the limit of what offers. Any suggestions?
i ve started to read Layered Money by Nik Bhatia,
this weekend i added some new features to Stack Sats.
now each wallet listed here and here has its own profile page + a link to its community reviews.
i’m sure there are still a few bugs to be fixed, so if you find any, please let me know.
Great website. It would be nice if you could add a "KYC-free" tag (similar to the "Start without sats" and "Node required" tags).
@kr - If adding new tags, how about "App Download Required" or "Web Version Available".
All sites should strive to be as easy to use as (No App needed)
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @kr 2 Dec 2022
good call, will do that too
1000 sats \ 0 replies \ @kr 30 Nov 2022
great idea, will do
Building Swarm ⚡️
The next generation of Bitcoin node infrastructure. We’ve completely integrated the node running experience for Bitcoin in a friendly user experience. No more CLI, no more jumping between different dashboard to try rebalance, no more chaotic and painful learning experience.
Bitcoin is for everyone, not just technical people. — v0.0.1 launching in December along with our public development roadmap.
This sounds amazing! I’m from a non-technical background and find the current solutions very difficult to use (and know I’m not alone).
Thank you! We’ve been going hard at it, but I’m sure we are on track to make it node running accessible for everyone ⚡️
I am working on a text-only Bitcoin explorer. It will be both static and animated.
Static via Gopher, HTTP, HTTPS served text files. Not yet done, but look here:
  • via gopher: sacc
  • via HTTP:
  • via HTTPS:
  • Tor is not supported, don't have BBC or Facebook hardware here
Animated via WeTTY tmated read-only terminal like:
Still working on the backend of my channel advisor website
Brilliant answers here!! I'm trying for the education in the Bitcoin field through a no-profit. Soon with a blog and for writing articles for newbies.
I'm also willing to work on something else, maybe with translation of technical works/papers (I have quite a technical knowledge of Bitcoin and I know very well italian and english).
Let me know!!
Buying one of every cold storage wallet on the market... While I can. Just to have. Just in case. For a rainy day.
I have a university project that is a tool that should help scientists help in their literature review. Pulling multiple sources/APIs and ordering them in custom or smart ways.
It's partly inspired by one of the most famous cryptographers ever Claude Shannon in the 40s using Citations from 1500s Monsieur Vigenère. Would such a surprising citation happen nowadays with Google Scholar? Because it helped humanity forward so f-ing much.
Another famous example is Fast Fourrier Transformation which is an amazingly powerful algorithm discovered in the cold war ... but had actually already been discovered by Carl Friedrich Gauß in 1805.
Unlikely scientific research citations are fascinating.
  • Writing newsletter doing reflexive stuff about bitcoin. It's called La Hora Cripto.
  • Working in a book (spanish) where I introduce people to bitcoin from a economic perspective and as an action, invite people to DCA with bitcoin. I already have one book, this will be the second one.
  • Recently, I made a Geyser Fund to help grow my project.
So, if you like what you click, y' know, I like sats and beef. So, I can spend sats to buy beef :D
Setting up a bitcoin node! Planning to pull blockchain data off of it to do my own analysis. Don't trust, Verify!
у нас мало времени. биткоин его сжимает все быстрее и быстрее. может стоит поторопиться.?
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