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I am what your generation calls a "time traveler", I can answer anything for the next 48 hours. Please note that questions about the value of assets existing in your time and mine, sports scores or anything to speculate on will be ignored for safety.
When is time travel invented?
The "time travel" mechanism was discovered by Dr. Julius Tordo in January 2087. Dr. Tordo received the Nobel Prize for it.
I answered it below but I'll repeat it so you don't miss it. Excuse me, there will be no stackernews in my time and it is the first time I use it.
Won't Stacker.news exist in 100 years? Its a bit sad. What will replace it?
I can't tell you that, but its creators will be very relevant personalities.
Thanks for the reply.
@k00b note this ^ :)
It's probably from my future OnlyFans
как это доказать? прожить более 200 лет на этой платформе
Dr. Tordo.. that last name, I bet he is from Argentina
Argentina is not one of the 4 existing countries.
Name the 4 existing countries please
"The one on the top right", "The one on the top left" "The one on the bottom right" and "The one of the bottom left".
How was World War IV fought?
The battles took place in "the minds". Or what earlier cultures called meditation
this is getting wild
With sticks and stones
what devices or interfaces do humans use to make payments?
Transactions are, as they would say in your time, "mental".
в РФ уже придумали моментальные транзакции. это ли не направление?
@024d3dda5e Has life arrived to Mars? what about interplanetary travels?
Yes. It was a very important and very tragic event. It was the milestone that marked the beginning of the state of things in my time. I can't talk more about it without putting us both in danger, I'm sorry.
who wins the world cup in 2022?
Please note that questions about the value of assets existing in your time and mine, sports scores or anything to speculate on will be ignored for safety.
The "time travel" mechanism was discovered by Dr. Julius Tordo in January 2087. Dr. Tordo received the Nobel Prize for it.
So it takes 65 years for the Nobel prize to not be a joke used to reward tyrannical politicians?
Tordo... Tardis?
what does music sound like in 2122?
Everyone loves Antonio Salieri. He sells out dates in stadiums all over the world.
people still go to stadiums to watch concerts in 2122?
Yes, this is because international artists are usually the only ones allowed to travel, it's a big event when an artist from abroad comes.
The only ones allowed to travel, that sound really dystopian
Do not kill the messenger
Why 2022 Gregor?
This is the first of my trips, I plan to go to 1922 and 1822 next month. I like round numbers.
How will you post your AMA on the internet in 1922 & 1822? Can you show us where to find your presence in these two other visits?
I definitely won't be able to do that at such times. My plan is to keep a very low profile. We have a whole protocol for those times, we need a partner who will play your wife but can't actually be your wife (or husband).
What is the general opinion on time travel? Is it only a few people that can do it? How have it changed your life?
The issue about "time travel" is complicated. I mean, it's frowned upon and if you do things wrong you can end up in prison, banished, amputated or executed.
Everyone can travel in time. It is expensive but there are many easy loans for that.
At the end of the day it's no big deal. Some people "travel to the past" looking for a refuge or explanation about some things. But at the end of the day you realize that if you don't have a good time in the present you won't like the past, and if you don't find a why in the present, witnessing the past won't be enough for you either.
Personally I do it because I am passionate about research.
How have law enforcement evolved to deal with time travel? Do they go back in time and wait for you to catch you in the act? Asking for a friend
We need to drink the water of our time, without it we become dehydrated and can die. Even if you are very rich you will not be able to last more than a few months.
So eventually you will come back and after a very tiring journey, they will be waiting for you.
If we call you "time traveller", how you define yourself then?
How is neural link going? that's the reason why you transact mentally? do you mean telepathy?
How you can prove you come from the near future?
I can't answer any of your questions. Sorry.
The answer to the first four has to do with a subject that is very popular in your time, publishing it in this post would put us at risk because there would be a 60 year time gap that is critical to maintaining the story. Also if I told you, we would be at risk as individuals, you and I, in that order.
I can't offer you proof either, in my time mental connections are key and we are the same. If you concentrate enough on my words you will be able to see that I am definitely not lying to you.
What is transportation like in the future?
I guess you mean something like public transportation, routes and stuff. No, there is no such thing, moving around is very dangerous and nations are closed to foreign trade.
Does the Internet still exists? What do you use as a medium of exchange? Are we a multi-planetary species? How fast can you travel? what about information?
The Internet still exists. Some of the companies of your time still exist. We use satoshis and other tokens in layer 2. Yes, we are a multi-planetary species and Mars is our colony. The average city vehicle can travel 500 miles per hour. But neither cars nor information can go beyond the boundaries of each country without official authorization.
Why are they still using mph in the future when only 3 countries of our time still use miles? Does this mean the US dominates the world? Or is it Myanmar or Liberia?
How many planets have humans colonized?
Two but only one (mars) is still standing.
Does Bitcoin still exist and is used? Not asking for price or investment predictions.
So you travel back 100 years and decide to sit indoors and browse the internet and go to Stacker News of all places. Why not go outside and walk around?
It's actually my second week and I'm a bit tired. I have to save energy for the return trip, I don't want to have to spend four days sleeping to recover when I get there.
If you travel in time you should be aware that everything exist as "frames" of simultaneously existing parallell universes.
You are not really traveling in time as much as you are travelling into a simultaneously existing parallell universe that represents "the past" linearly speaking...
Hence, killing your father, for example, does not mean you seize to exist...
It is for this reason that I always put quotation marks around "time travel", your statements about parallel universes are not correct and I cannot explain why for security reasons.
Also because there is a bias in looking at the past from the present, or the future from the present. It is likely that even if I go out on a limb and explain it to you you will not understand it and it will seem apocryphal to you.
Understanding the existence of that bias was key to technological advancement.
"It is for this reason that I always put quotation marks around "time travel", your statements about parallel universes are not correct and I cannot explain why for security reasons."
What reason? If what I said is incorrect, what is your reason for using quotation marks...
The whole parallel universe thing is so lame. Way overhyped such that its in every scifi movie. And yet, it is only a theory made popular because it works like magic where anything is possible. A lazy man's tool for making things they want happen without any explanation.
How the time travelling is done in practice? Some kind of machine you need to hide when in location? How much energy it needs?
It's a lot like going to the dentist in your day. The trips last about 2 hours but are extremely painful. Physically and mentally exhausting. Some people have ended up in legal trouble for not wanting to make the return trip claiming they can't handle it. The only thing that keeps anyone from overstaying is that we need to drink the water of our time, if you run out of supplies you will die of dehydration. There is no problem with food.
You are not hidden anywhere when you travel. When you transport you are literally doing that. These trips need large amounts of energy but the sun provides it.
Is water of your time not H2O? If not, why do you call it water?
Why did you travel back in time?
I work in the government. Doing some research, I take some pictures, listen to some conversations and go looking for details that have slipped through the net.
Why is there still a government if people are transacting in Satoshis?
поиск апасного вируса в прошлам? круто... для поиска понадобиться енергии по более чем от солнца. вирус собранный на основе времени ещё не создали... но его быстро делают.
Who killed JFK?
Sorry. The answer to that question has never been found.
so cool :) actualy its fun!
Prove it.
What's the hash for Block 768000
That's a really good question. Probably the best question asked.
But it would be sufficient proof to me that time travel is truly possible, and thus a lot of foundational assumptions would then be challenged, and that would change the future (versus the future had that question been left unanswered).
In Which year 1 bitcoin hits 1 million usd?
Lack of most important question ;)
How is Bitcoin, still used in 2122 ?
Of course, the last satoshis were mined ten years ago in 2148 and the network survives on commissions. We collect our salaries and trade through a layer 2, because transactions are very very expensive.
Only Layer 2 after 100 years? Layer 3 is already in development and I suspect many more layers will be developed above that.
You said you're from 2122, now its 2158
I said I was born in 2122
My mistake... Or did you go back in time and change the title to say you are born in 2122 rather than having traveled from there?
Lol. Coming this far was too painful to go back and go again to another point just to change the title.
because transactions are very very expensive.
so, as I expected and was afraid of: #107376
Its by design. A feature not a bug. Layer 2 widely adopted makes the blockchain transaction cost meaningless.
Is the idea of marriage and family life similar to 2022?
Not in northern countries, the idea of family is seen as a tribal custom. Surnames are not legal.
In southern countries, it is quite similar to pre-2022 times as well.
What do people eat in 2122?
That depends on which of the 4 countries you are in.
If you live in one of the southern countries, you will probably have a diet based on large animal meat, such as the tapurdi that flood the area. Mixed with some organic herbs and purple rice.
If you are in the north, you will definitely appreciate a good seed soup accompanied with beer liquor.
What kind of power sources is used to mine the last whole Bitcoin that is in progress until 2140??
This whole post felt like being in the movie "Man from earth"
Are you only able to time travel back into the past? or are you also able to travel into the future?
Why do you speak in the English of 2022 when I would likely have a hard time speaking the English of 1922? Did you do a lot of studying about "subtle" wording and acronyms used in this specific time period? Did you choose stacker news because you wanted to reach as small of an audience as possible or are the people of reddit tired of people acting like they are from the future?
What method do you use to exchange value ?
What is the world population in 2165 and what percentage are Christian?
My friend, backwards time travel would allow double spends, effectively breaking Bitcoin.
Since Bitcoin is inevitable on a long enough timeline, backwards time travel must be impossible.
There is no double spending anywhere, tonight I will leave with the keys to my wallet.
Take me with you... I was not meant for this brutish fiat era
I'm so sorry. in 45 minutes I'll be gone
привет. я из 3232 года... мне всего 33 года как 33 халвинга. докажи обратное?
What about sex-tourism in time travel area - is that common? (btw, what about you, lol ;)
Indeed it is, but we are often taken for lunatics so we go unnoticed.
Do you know who Elizabeth Warren is?
I know, she is still involved in politics on my time.
Hola Gregor, in which year are you living now?
Hi banqu3ros I come from 2148
а вы с какой стороны стены находитесь? если биткоин это стена энергии?
What is the price of Bitcoin agains dollar. If dollar continue existing... If not, when is the next bullrun?
What made you visit stacker News for this ama and not another platform?
I found the way to log in very user friendly. Plus I think there are people in here who will be able to understand what I'm saying without making a fuss about it. Can you imagine if I used reddit for this? or twitter?
log in very user friendly
Nice Lightning Network and lnurl-auth shill!
Excuse me, there will be no stackernews in my time and it is the first time I use it.
Can you imagine if I used reddit for this? or twitter
you are suddenly way too familiar with reddit/twitter background A.D. 2022, my friend... "from future", LOL
We have access to a library with this information, what do you think sociologists do?
вкантовое превосходство? что стало приоритет? хранение информации или передача? скорость света не предел?
Transmission is everything, everyone stores several EBs without problems. The speed of light is not the limit.
Why would a time traveler announce himself to answer questions? If you can't offer proof, you should already know nobody believes you, so what's the point?
If you know of a better way for a "time traveler" to earn some satoshis on his return home, please let me know.
You can buy a car with satoshis where I come from.
если мы договоримся и представим что он говорит правду, то у нас будет возможность проверить её методом докозательства работы. все что не сработает, это ложь. Всё просто. биткоин инструкция.
if we agree and imagine that he is telling the truth, then we will have the opportunity to check it by the method of proof of work. anything that doesn't work is a lie. Everything is simple. bitcoin instruction
True, if he can tell us what the bitcoin hash will be 6 hours from now then we know he is a time traveler. Its not like we know what the transaction order or which transactions from the mempool would be used so its not a financial prediction.
отличный способ докозательства. хорошо одна проблема для подтверждения, решена. это биткоин делает отлично. а может биткоин способен на что то большее?