I think is time to be more organized and reach more of those normies that need help, to understand Bitcoin better and be helped with the first steps.
Is really hard for a total nocoiner to start using Bitcoin, no matter how many guides, tutorials and documentation you gave them, the first steps are the hardest ones.
So I call for all those experienced bitcoiners, start organizing more Bitcoin meetups in your local area and invite more nocoiners. Help them with the first steps using a BTC wallet. Basic stuff.
Here is a list of meetups and also more documentation about how to organize them:
If you know more, please post in the comments.
please see also the germany community, bitcoin only โ€ฆ plebs and maxis together strong
We've had a massive growth of meetups in the UK in the last 12 months. 8 meetups to 30.
They all get listed here. https://bitcoinevents.uk
Here's a photo of a previous Bitcoin meetup:
LOL... few ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ good one
Im hosting this event with somebody else and we will be doing this 6x a year. the first edition was in January and very successful. We had a blast. In 15 March the second edition will be hosted and we welcome all bitcoiners normies to come and join us. Itโ€™s a free event for bitcoin enthousiast and or anyone who want to come and learn about bitcoin . De eerste Bitcoin Only meetup in Zaandam! | Spring Edition https://meetu.ps/e/LQ9lt/ZDqC7/i
100% agree! The first steps are definitely the hardest ones. A lot of Bitcoin content doesn't realize how hard it is for newcomers to understand.
At the same time, a lot of the meetups I've been to feature content that is deeper into the rabbit hole than not. While bitcoiners are incredibly kind and willing to teach, newcomers have to get over some big hurdles to start asking for help (no one enjoys sounding like they don't have a clue).
I've been playing with a monthly Bitcoin for Beginners meetup, but reaching the uncoined masses is difficult. Any thoughts on how best to advertise?
Another idea I've thought about is setting up a Bitcoin Help Desk at the local meetup, and just offering to help all comers with whatever bitcoin q's they have. (My worry here is that my goal is mostly to make is super easy for nocoiners to get started, not to help trouble-shoot soemone's crazy complex self-designed multisig setup...)
Kansas City. Kcbitcoiners.com
Iโ€™ve had a number of nocoiners approach me seeking education on bitcoin and itโ€™s always so stressful that now, I donโ€™t bother anymore.
@darthcoin I love that you are posting this, adoption and education is very important and itโ€™s super that you are making effort to create more awareness and to call for action for more meetups. Yes please!! If anyone needs help or advice on how to built up a bitcoin meetup and community feel free to contact me! I love to help ๐Ÿ™
You could start by sharing with them my guides. Here's one (see more on my substack).
What a great resource! Thanks @darthcoin, ser!
Here you can find the Dutch/Belgian meetups: https://portal.eenentwintig.net