Its not the Nostr you think it is :)

A fake token project named "Nostr" on the Ethereum chain has run away, and its funds have been transferred to a new EOA address 0xeeB8EB5CC144eDddDB204c3ABA499de6b6081696. In the end, the fraudsters made a profit of 232.1 ETH, worth about $370,000. The token contract is 0xA2be922174605BAd450775C76CEb632369480336.
Amount of loss: 232.1 ETH Attack method: Rug Pull
At this point I refuse to believe that these are scams. Every single moron that gets involved with these tokens must be fully aware that it's a pump and dump.
Shitcoins are just like penny stocks. Most are not aware that both are scams, but some are aware and buy because they think they can sell before the rugpull/supernova occurs. But trying to guess when a thief will break into your house is a fool's errand.
This is just my speculation, but I think the Mafia is probably making and promoting shitcoins. They were involved in penny stock scams in the 80s and 90s. And shitcoins are far easier and safer of a crime to commit than penny stock scams. But I have no evidence to prove this speculation.
I dont think you get it, many many poeple dont know they are scams .... u can listen to this for more details
I think this is a trend. Apparently lots of shitcoins that claim to be "AI coins" are also being minted right now. Soon we'll hear about the rugpulls.
It's really bad on BSC and TRX chains..
Society can't protect reasonably people from that level of stupidity.
Hey, good for these guys. I don't condone scamming people but I can't blame the player who just played the game.
I'm always surprised to see people wasting huge amounts of money like this.
I think people are just making a token with any trending name they can find and some fools spend their money on them.
что такое ETH??? как он связан с биткоином??? короче... все скам кроме биткоина)