If someone asked you to help them build a sovereign individual toolkit for their life, what products would you include in this tech stack? Assume the person has basic (not advanced) technical proficiency, but has no phone, computer, or software... they're building their toolkit entirely from scratch.
Your answer should consider things like:
  • Storing Bitcoin as savings
  • Spending and earning Bitcoin on Lightning
  • Managing passwords across devices
  • Enhancing online privacy and security
  • Enhancing IRL privacy and security
5,000 sats for the most comprehensive answer, and bonus sats for simple solutions that limit the required tools while still achieving all the objectives outlined above.
5,000 sats paid
In terms of digital life, I would set things up as follows:
Phone - pixel 7 running GrapheneOS. Enable airplane mode and don't use a sim.
Mobile Internet - Mudi VPN Router. Stick a PAYG, data only sim card in this. Install Blue Merle to randomise your IMEI every time you change the sim. Use MullVad VPN (pay with lightning)
SMS - subscribe to a number on https://crypton.sh, no email account needed, pay with lightning. You can use this number for banking apps etc.
Public Messaging - Nostr
Private Messaging - use Simplex Chat. Much better than Nostr as there are no identifiers.
Home Internet - set up a VPN router as described here
Laptop - be sure the Intel ME is (or can be) disabled, and booted using CoreBoot. In the US, purchase from Librem. In the EU, Tuxedo.
Laptop OS - if you have linux skills, use Qubes. Else use a free distro like Debian. If you're new to Linux, use Ubuntu or Mint.
Home Server - get an Embassy Pro from Start 9. Can run Nextcloud, BTC Node, Lightning, Bitwarden (which can be both password manager and TOTP authenticator) and much more.
Bitcoin Vault - set up a multisig using at least 2 manufacturers. Here's a good guide: https://github.com/fresheneesz/tordlwalletprotocols
Hot Lightning - Phoenix or Blixt. Not Muun! Every time you spend all your satoshis, open a new wallet for greater privacy.
Purchasing Bitcoin - Robosats
Multiple identities - much easier with Qubes, but otherwise use different VMs for different identities. This helps to avoid accidentally using the wrong one. With graphene you can also multiple user accounts on your phone for different reasons.
Try and keep at least 2-3 months of spending money in Cash. When sh*t hits the fan, the ATMs will be empty. Keep water and tinned food at home. Don't tell people your real name, if you can help it. Never EVER give your number out (it's best if you just don't have one).
If you own your own domain you can create 'catch all' emails which means you can give a different email to every service you sign up with.
Avoid any software from these companies entirely:
  • Facebook (use signal with crypton.sh sms over whatsapp, ditch insta / fb)
  • Microsoft (use gitlab over github, nostr over linkedin, linux over windows)
  • Google (self-host email or use protonmail, nextcloud over drive)
Have a home CCTV system, if your jurisdiction allows. Do NOT use amazon, build one with a raspberry pi or old android, so that the footage never leaves your network.
Always pay in Bitcoin or Cash. If you must use the banking system, start a company, and make payments from the company account.
Don't purchase, or allow in your home:
  • Smart TVs
  • Alexa or similar
  • Oculus headsets
  • Anything that can send audio, images, or other sensory information to servers you don't control
Yes, all these are very important and good. But are totally worthless if you:
  • still go and pay taxes
  • still go and vote for x politicians
  • still use a govID, passport
  • still believe that x law will protect you
These tools you are mentioning are tools for "guerilla resistance fighters", hiding from gov forces.
A sovereign individual is not on the run and hide. A sovereign individual is CONFRONTING the evil government and rebut its authority.
By hiding and avoiding you just give even more legitimacy to a evil gov.
Not worthless, this isn't about going on the run!
  • Nobody should evade or "not pay" taxes (avoidance is ok)
  • Voting is good. Vote wisely, if you are able to (register to) vote.
  • Travelling without passport/govID is risky and dangerous, don't do it
  • Laws DO protect if you understand (and follow) them
The tools in my list will protect you from CORPORATE dragnet surveillance systems, not government forces. Let's consider the government is on our side, for now.
Data is most valuable when distributed quickly and widely. We should not pretend firewalls nor jurisdictional boundaries prevent anyone, anywhere, from obtaining it.
To quote from the article:
While the Constitution prevents companies from sharing location data with the government without a warrant, there are no federal protections limiting how they use or share it privately.
(emphasis added)
What does this have to do with being sovereign?
Three things:

1. Safety

2. Censorship

Censorship comes from what corporations think (or are explicitly told what) the government thinks.
Hence banks will close your account if your details don't "smell" right - eg mentioning "crypto" on the phone / sending or receiving the wrong kind of international payments / being born in the wrong country.
Future censorship will come from algorithms - based directly on aforementioned surveillance data.
Say the "wrong thing, beam GPS from the wrong place, connect with the wrong person - and you may find yourself without:
  • your files
  • your phone connection
  • your finances
Remember that algorithms are probabilistic, not perfect. And the cost of censorship is virtually zero. And the rules change all the time.

3. Legacy

We stack to build a better future. It's a small step from "letting" ourselves be tracked, numbered, and monitored - to being "obligated" to be as such.
Like you say, we need to CONFRONT the oppression (which actually begins in private sector) by refusing to engage in such things as:
  • CBDCs
  • KYC
  • Mobile Phone Numbers (as identifiers, communication channels, or 2FA)
you can only become sovereign if you realize that the state is a mafia, an organization of the worst kind of people. They have zero legimaticy in everything they do. ZERO. Please, consider reading one of the following books:
  • no treason (lysander spooner)
  • the anatomy of the state (murray rothbard)
  • the most dangerous superstition (larken rose) this is a much more "stronger/realistic pill" than the "orange pill"
The only (and recommended) protection from state is to move to a friendlier jurisdiction
If everyone did this, we'd have friendlier jurisdictions. Period.
There are plenty of examples of good governments! It depends what you are looking for in that government:
  • Freedom & Liberty
  • Specific tax structures
  • Healthcare / Education
  • Infrastructure
  • Regulatory environment
Also remember that governments are made up of people. People are not inherently bad. Most are trying to do (or at least, believe they are doing) good.
  • The remit of government is to serve the people (social good).
  • The remit of corporations is to serve shareholders (financial imperative).
I would proffer that most of the sh!t we see from governments is sourced from private sector.
  • Wars fund weapons companies (considerably)
  • Pandemics fund pharma (considerably)
  • xxx funds XXX
As a result politicians receive significant lobbying and influence from vested interests.
I'm not saying capitalism is bad, and I don't have the answer to all this. We need reform, 100%.
I don't know what such reform would look like... probably not some utopia where there is 100% transparency in every public decision. But it would be nice.
governments nowadays are for sure not there to serve people, they are a parasitic entity who's primary focus is keeping itself alive. If govs were there to serve people then the world would look significantly different.
Even if there are some individuals that have the inclination to do good the levels of bureaucracy and cargo cult thinking makes them just a cogs in the machine at best.
the incentive structures that exist in modern democracies are so perverted and dysfunctional that there is no way anything remotely useful could come out of government, the least from crumbling empires of the west.
😯 best thread I’ve read all year boys!
There's no freedom if you put yourself under ANY jurisdiction. Being under a jurisdiction is pure SLAVERY
Then you need to buy a boat and live in international waters, which is do-able, many do it.
you have no idea what are you talking about. You are clueless into this.
“No one should avoid paying taxes”. Lol, sorry but my government is stealing my money, devaluing my money, sending my money for wars to enrich themselves,… i can go on and on. My “Taxes” in no way are going to help me or my community,…. Hell if you are American and not in the right protected group, you have to fight to get the help you paid into!!! Fuck their Taxes.
Nobody should evade or "not pay" taxes
ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! LOL your mindset is pure statist, totally opposite of a sovereign individual. OMG, this world is really fucked up, if people think like this one.
Yes I'm serious, lol
If you don't pay your taxes, you will end up in hot water.
The good news is that you can, quite legally, avoid (not evade) the majority of taxes through jurisdictional and regulatory arbitrage.
For an individual, fighting the government (who has infinite patience and resources) is a losing game. Better to play a different game altogether.
The freedom in the world is not uniformly distributed and jurisdictional arbitrage is your best defense. That is, move to a more friendly jurisdiction. This isn't statism, this is practical self defense. I have hardly paid any taxes that weren't collected by a counterparty my whole life, and proud of it.
Places where the control grid continues to grow in its penetration into our every day lives are also places where you are more likely to end up in trouble that has nothing to do with any of your efforts to defund the government claiming jurisdiction.
Better to live another day and continue to feed things that are good, and minimise what you feed that is bad. Sure, right now governments across the world are descending into deep corruption but the grey areas and places you can live in those grey areas are places your resources go to better things, and better things stack up on top of each other.
It was horrible during the lockdowns of the scamdemic, there was almost nowhere that was free enough of it. But it wasn't the same everywhere. I was in Bulgaria and Serbia during those times and the customs of the people to passively resist tyranny meant that the impact was greatly blunted compared to how it was elsewhere. I barely even did any PCR tests and certainly did not get a jab, and enforcement even then was lax, I crossed borders 3 times during that period without any PCR test results. Even one time by plane quite recently, some airports are more lax than others (Sofia and Belgrade, notably).
I already explained which is "my jurisdiction". #132540
Learn this stuff. Don't put yourself under the booth of the gov (aka jurisdiction), whatever would be that one. Step out from the "state box".
Explain me, from where is coming a "jurisdiction" over me, the living man? Jurisdiction over a living man is pure SLAVERY. So you are trying to tell me that I should be a slave?
I was a law researcher in this subject a long time ago, and it was the results of a court case that led to my decision I had to gtfo. Not that I ever had enough money to get one but in Australia they are really vicious in taxing anyone who wants to ride a motorcycle, most especially a low powered one that doesn't even need a driving licence in most of the world.
Where I spent most of the time since leaving Aust has been far more liberal and relaxed towards most things, enforcement of stupid laws is mostly very discretional in the former communist countries in the balkans. Immigration being a major example of this, I was asked for my ID by cops way more frequently in Aust than anytime anywhere in the Balkans.
When it comes down to it, your freedom is not dependent on other people also having it, and fixing your own freedom to that of the masses is essentially allowing yourself to be a slave.
It's a jungle out there, but some places have less predators.
Lmao.. this is the mindset why shit never changes and you keep paying more taxes. Lmao. “Here, let me keep paying the people causing my life to be hard so its easier for them to keep making my life hard.” Lmao
govern me harder... indeed, sheeple are begging for slavery. And then cry like babies... "my rights are violated" LOLOLOL
Crypton.sh is 🇬🇧 phone number only
When it comes to self sovereignty, the most important concept is the ability to vote with your money AND your feet. I think this was the key takeaway from the 1997 book "The Sovereign Individual."
If the value created through your time and labor can be canceled, shut-off, or controlled, then you are not sovereign. If you are geographically constrained.... if your livelihood is tied to a specific region, then you are not sovereign.
If a government or entity can prevent you from spending your money, or from moving away, then you are not sovereign.
Starting from this mindset, you can build a "sovereign individual" lifestyle.
First, the simple concept that what you own, owns you. Minimalism enables you to vote with your money and your feet. There are a lot of great books, podcasts, blogs, subreddits, and forums dedicated to this. I've found the FIRE communities to be the most helpful, and blogs such as earlyretirementextreme.com and mrmoneymustache.com. Everyone's version of minimalism will be different. Obviously, a couple with a newborn baby won't be able to go as far as the single hitchhiking hippy. But the principles and the mindset is what matters. Living a frugal, minimalist lifestyle also frees up capital for long term savings. You have less stuff, so it's easier to up and move (vote with your feet), and you have more money so it's easier to save, donate, and invest (vote with your money).
The ability to vote with your feet means you always need to have a backup plan... a place that you will go to if things get bad enough in your jurisdiction. Countries don't want you taking your skills, labor, and money to a new jurisdiction. This incentivizes them to do better, reducing coercion and oppression. To this end, foreign passport services like planbpassport.com should be in everyone's "sovereign individual tool-belt". Quick side note: This only works when a large enough portion of the population is sovereign themselves. The thesis of "The Sovereign Individual" book is that, over the next few decades, the internet & technology (and Bitcoin) will enable individuals sovereignty more than ever before, forcing governments to grow smaller and return to a role of service rather than overlord.
The ability to vote with your money means you have to ensure that your money can't be controlled by anyone except you, and can't be easily taken by force or coercion. Imagine how a nomadic hippy, on the road with only a backpack, could secure their life's savings without trusting any third party custodian. Paper cash and gold are both poor options; cumbersome in large amounts, and too easy to steal or rob. Banks and brokerages come with jurisdictional, third party trust. Bitcoin is really the only option for such a person. Imagine such a nomadic hippy setting up a 2-of-3 multi-sig setup. One private key stored in their head (or steel plate in their bag), another stored in a Swiss safety deposit box, and one stored at a Bitcoin custodian such as Unchained Capital or Swan.
Now that your long term savings is secured, select a simple lightning wallet like BlueWallet for your daily spending account. Move to an area with lots of Bitcoin adoption, or be active in your community to increase adoption. Fiat is the opposite of self-sovereignty, therefore, the Sovereign Individual has an obligation to increase Bitcoin adoption in the world. Boycott businesses which don't accept Bitcoin, go out of your way to patronize those who do. To this end, use tools like btcmap.org and the Oshi app (oshi.tech).
Run a node. The company Start9 is doing far more than just Bitcoin nodes. Their personal private servers are packed full of apps for the Sovereign Individual. Store passwords, pictures, and files privately and accessible over the internet. Run your own Lightning node your Start9 Embassy so you can manage your own liquidity. The possibilities are endless for future development on these Start9 devices. Their physical nodes are small, so they can be quickly unplugged and shoved into a backpack if you need to quickly vote with your feet.
Finally, remember Jocko Willink's quote: "The only way to get to a place of freedom is through discipline".
The term "sovereign individual" is not only related to Bitcoin. Bitcoin is just another tool for an individual in pursuing his sovereignty. Just by reading the book "Sovereign individual" it doesn't make you a sovereign individual. That book is just opening your mind, that life is not a statist life.
Became sovereign is a long battle, that almost never ends. Being a sovereign individual is a continuous battle.
Yes, all those things mentioned are a MUST do, to make use of Bitcoin in its fully capacity.
To be sovereign you must fulfill the following:
  • food self sufficient or at least as much as you can not depending on central governments subsidies and acquire your needs from P2P trades with other peers.
  • energy self sufficient or at least as much as you can
  • shelter / house / land property. Property is the base of your freedom, where you declare your own sovereignty.
  • your own identity. Not governmental one, that doesn't represent you, it represent a dead body, the citizen. A citizen could NEVER be a sovereign individual. The citizen is the opposite of a sovereign individual.
  • you do not pay any tax for your labor. That's pure theft. And if you support it also you are not anymore a sovereign man. You can volunteer if you really want to participate in a local project.
  • You know WHO YOU ARE
  • Don't have any DEBTS. Debt = SLAVERY. Be a wise man and do everything with a good contract. Respect your promises and live in honor.
Simply don't make promises if you can't respect them. Why would you want a new big house if you know you can't afford it or pay back the loan? You are short of money? Simply don't spend too much.
Bitcoin is saving technology, it will help you to save your money and energy, for when you will need it most. So don't spend it on crappy useless things. Spend it wisely for things you really need them in that moment.
Do you want to know how I became a sovereign individual? Start here:
could you recommend or list some resources where we can find more practical guides ? less theory, more practice. This website "learn how to live in the private" and larken rose's channel focus too much on theory, how the state enslaves you, and to be free. But i think there is a lack of "hands-on guides", practical things. I appreciate your help
Sorry, but there's no such thing as "click here to get a free jail card". Learning how to be a sovereign man is a long journey, starting by learning the biggest lie in the whole human history: slavery by consent.
I put those links especially to be a study material for those in pursuing the true freedom and sovereignty. The Bitchute channel details is full of other resources to learn. I curated all those links, putting only those that matter and help you in this journey. Is not easy, but you must follow the initial steps if you really want to understand what is going on.
I am not bullshitting you. I saw and find the light. That light is the Natural Law. Under Natural Law you cannot lie. You always speak truth. You follow the truth and that truth will protect you. Because you know that is the truth.
Yes, some would say that I am crazy lunatic. I don't fucking care. I found my way, the sovereign way and nobody can touch me anymore.
It's up to you what you choose: lies / slavery or truth / freedom.
you have to have chickens and an own oil pump to be a sovereign individual
In five years or so having two or three passports and some corn and/or a constant income stream of corn will suffice. One of the most important properties of SIs is optionality. Your jurisdiction starts sucking => you close your laptop and move to a different one. This is also the thing that will shape the competition dynamic between nation states. Being a SI is also not a black and white thing but more of a spectrum.
having two or three passports
Just by saying that, you are going back to citizen slave cage.
What is a pass-port? Is a license to travel. If you are a sovereign individual do you need a license to travel?
Your jurisdiction starts sucking
What is jurisdiction? Is slavery by consent. You put yourself under a jurisdiction, you must obey the rules. A sovereign individual do not put himself under any jurisdiction.
A slave that can choose his slave master tho. not bad, not bad.
DarthCoin with top G comment, as always
Yea, every time I start to writing a response in a random thread, I scroll down and notice DarthCoin already said everything I was gonna say, so I just tip him and move on. He's like my personal ChatGPT bot that is already aligned to my views and values.
btw... chatGPT can't make jokes like me. chatGPT is a scam.
And sorry, I don't want to take your bounty. You are free to add even more if you like.
as @DarthCoin already mentioned Bitcoin is far from being the only thing you need to care about.
it also depends on what you want to do, how much you are willing to spend, what kind of lifestyle you want etc.
I'd say a good first step towards becoming a sovereign individual is to start moving towards five flags principles, and depending on your lifestyle and wealth build your infrastructure in that way.
For example not everyone wants to own a ranch and dedicate a good portion of their time to become self sufficient with food/energy, some people want to be perpetual travelers etc.
Obtaining multiple residencies and passports, and if you can't/don't want to go to zero set up your personal entity structure in a way to optimize for taxes and freedom of movement (so you're not stuck in one country for 6months+ due to mandatory stays for tax reasons etc
Most of all it significantly depends on your personal circumstances, being single without any obligations or constraints can significantly simplify things vs being anchored to some place due to loved ones or other constraints
Indeed, if you have enough bitcoin, you practically don't need to have a farm. Just buy the necessary stuff to live from other fellow sovereign individuals with bitcoins.
A letter of sovereignty can be obtained legally, it’s a process, but it can be achieved. The person / people loose access to state and government funded programs like , use of police, firefighters, hospitals don’t have a choice, but don’t quote me on that. I believe the first tool should be this legal pardon from the system, not that anyone should have to ask for freedom they were born with, but to keep the person / people safe from system they were leaving behind. Also a name change would probably be a good idea. Crypto for savings would be a good idea, preferably a coin that continues to earn interest. An internet source that accepted crypto as payment, or a way to obtain it off the grid would be very helpful. A very secure way to link devices and stow passwords, and important info etc. Some kind of private cloud storage or private home servers etc. I think I’ve gone off track but just some of my thoughts!
I believe you mean "self-sovereign individual", as "sovereign individual" IMHO would be something like a tyrant. Also, "self-sovereign individual" is quite redundant. I believe you meant "becoming self-sovereign".
One does not [become] a sovereign individual. Being individually sovereign is mans natural state of existence.
An individual is taught from birth, either: how to live in a manner that recognizes and promotes self-ownership, individual accountability, and mutual respect (i.e. NAP), as a basic fact of human existence; or, how to live as a slave within a scheme of societal subjugation and obedience (via coercion and force).
No... One is not born with an automatic awareness of all that is required for his survival. He must be nurtured and taught those essential elements of self-sustainment in order to thrive within his best potential.
Nevertheless, each sentient being is an individual autonomous entity under no rightful claim of ownership by another. Another, who himself exists in the same autonomous manner amongst all other similarly existing sentient beings around him.
In summary: Do not become sovereign. Simply BE the sovereign individual that you already are.
  • Some dices --> to generate seed phrases and play some games during the afternoons
  • Steel + hammers + a swiss knife --> to stamp the seed and use it whenever the situation requires a hammer or the knife
  • Fishing (requires phishing rod) , hunting (requires hunting riffle) , harvesting (requires some terrain ) and cooking skills (requires fire) --> a sov. individual needs to eat
  • Some basic device (resistant mobile phone with an SO that can download any bitcoin wallet) to send and receive the bitcoin --> why do u need multiple devices? u need 1 and the possibility to sell some corn for cash
  • Fighting skills and a calm mind
Embrace the world around you, sometimes too much digitalization is the problem.
I cant really come up with a toolkit as I see Bitcoin as THE tool to be a sovereign individual
Yes, and now after so many years in Bitcoinlandia, I could say that without Bitcoin you CANNOT became a sovereign individual.
One of the best posts here-full of gems.
By definition you're not a sovereign if you are subject to any governing authority. If you haven't renounced your citizenship from all which you belong, then you are LARPing.
отпусти рыбку в море... сам научиться... ты просто укажи верный путь.так это работает)))