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21 sats \ 6 replies \ @Brunswick1 OP 14 Mar 2022 \ parent \ on: Request for comment: government controlled AML bitcoin-address whitelists? bitcoin
You are referring to the 'social contract' fallacy. I agree that no such contract exists (as was publicly acknowledged by Benjamin Franklin), but that doesn't stop people with guns using it as a justification to cage you for not paying your tithe to the civil religion. You can be a lion and still be put in a cage.
come and get it...
again you are using scare tactics....
I am not afraid of men with guns.
I use paper, is more powerful
Say that to the IRS
I don't think you understand. You may be willing to confront the government, most business owners however are not. You can keep all your bitcoin, but good luck spending it if every business (a.k.a. compliant with every government regulation) requires you to be on a good-boy list.
If you are so afraid, please send me all your BTC. I will take care of them, no worry.
- ofc LN is a better solution... here you have some examples: https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/lightning-cleaning-machine and https://darthcoin.substack.com/p/node-liquidity-guide
You are not engaging in a good-faith discussion. I am not 'trying to create fear', nor am I afraid. If I were afraid, why are you offering an ad-hominem attack? Are you a sadist that likes to make people in fear even more fearful? If I were afraid, I wouldn't be asking if there are ways to avoid government tyranny. I would be so afraid, I wouldn't even engage in such thoughts, rather I would be hiding under my covers wearing a mask, vaccination needles still hanging from my arms, and my phone's home-screen filled with a CNN widget. If I'm 'trying to create fear', why would I be asking people to engage in problem solving? If I were trying to create fear, I would be writing in your voice of anger and hostility and telling everyone to run for the hills rather than asking them to plan a counterattack.
I just told you the simple plan: stop complying. I mean it, about all gov says. Just be yourself.
But yeah you prefer bitching around laws, regulations, avoidance etc, that will not help in any way.
You are not constructing anything if you always go back to the "state cage". If you want to stay in that cage, so be it, is your choice.
I chose to stay out.
The reason bitcoin is successful is because it circumvents the state. It is a step ahead of them. As long as the state controls the minds of half the people that surround you, you will be in a minority, there are no numbers for you to seek safety in. The government has reached the acceptance phase of having lost control over currency. They are already beginning to emulate the movement by coopting it with CDBCs. If they find a way to regulate it, and this phony worldwide Ukraine nationalism is exposing a crack in the security of crypto, they will seize the moment.
I asked you to discuss the problem that I took the time to describe. If I wanted a psychoanalyst I would seek help from that profession, and your phony 'stop being scared asshole' response only shows that I've triggered cognitive dissonance. What you're really saying is "stop making me scared asshole!". You do not prove the concern invalid, rather you confirm that I may be looking where others dare not.