This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Cbdc is already here they just got to switch it on. You won't need a new bank account or credit card. They will just set up allowances on what you already have. They need to destroy small businesses tho because they will make this sort of control too difficult. Have a nice day :)
Another day stacking trying to get to my next goal. Little by little.
Why does "Silicon Valley Bank" get a bailout but FTX does not
It's called fractional reserve. The fraction is 0/100.
Promoting the third edition of my meditation book.
Is tor going bonkers? My LN node is erratic today
Howdy everyone, hope you are enjoying this hump day, week is almost over and it's payday, so make your DCA's and let it ride. It's beginning to be a great 2023. So I wish you a wonderful Wednesday and lots of success, be well and stay frosty.
Implemented server-sent events yesterday. After a lot of fruitless googling about why my code is not working, ChatGPT actually helped me!
I didn't even had to show it my code. I just said "I am implementing server-sent events. My client does not receive any events. Why is that?" and then it explained what the causes could be including possible solutions. The fix was in there.
When I fixed that, I noticed another problem and told it about it. Again, some possible solutions and the fix was in there! Mind blown... again.
I've said this a lot of times in the past already and will probably say this a lot of times more: I should use ChatGPT a lot more. It's really eating Google's lunch.
Equally terrifying and crazy useful, this AI rush we are in the midst of.
If Trump was really smart? He would pivot Truth Social to Nostr protocol. This way, if it ends up failing he can blame Nostr! Right now he is losing to Elon Musk. And he probably needs to act soon before Truth Social ends up like myspace on its own before it even became myspace..
Just watching the mempool and weeping :)
weeping? 🧐🧐
Should have been more clear. Weeping because the fees are now much higher, so opening channels = more expensive :(.
Overall, activity in the mempool is a good thing.
Another day watching financial disaster porn. Why do I get so much perverse pleasure watching the collapse unfold?
Who bails out Credit Suisse? Scary times..
I feel sadness. So many people get crushed . Common people just trying to save for their future and family. During all this the jerkoffs in Wall Street still capture their management fees
Pain leads to change, for some at least, which is more than none.
If the world will regress so will the purchasing power of your BTC because there is no free lunch?
So, y'all didn't tell me the more one reads, learns and interacts with Bitcoin, the more one skews toward maximalism. I literally feel the transition daily as I sell another shitcoin for bitcoin.
I was getting involved with the shit coin casino when I first started buying Bitcoin. So happy I got rid of that trash. My taxes were hell the year I got in, it’s so much easier to just buy Bitcoin and hodl. Steady stacking now a days, I’ve never felt better.
Haven't felt better since ditching the shitcoins. I'm not going back. And I'm done chasing profits or fiat exchange rates.
This is a movement. The idea is almost more powerful than the tool. But the tool is real, verifiable, and needed. It took me questioning what Bitcoin even was, trying to tell myself it couldn't work, there are new and better things, why it would fail. To eventually realize what it was, how it does work, and what that implicates to society.
It took me far too long since I first got in to really do the research. But I'm here. And constantly going deeper.
Glad you're here too. SN has been a huge kick in the ass for using Lighning more that I needed.
My experience was that crypto hurt me. I almost left entirely until realizing why it hurt me is the same as why general stocks and the economy can hurt me. Then Bitcoin made more sense.
I had to be abused to glimpse it.
so true. I've been itching to sell the shitcoins, but the market conditions are horrible right now.
Just look at BTC/SHIT rate. You think that will go up again?
I was at your place just half a year ago. I tell you, selling your shitcoins feels really relieving. You can just sell them in chunks. Like DCA.
good point to compare all to btc
The Dark Lord (@DarthCoin) would be pleased.
Chatting with the new ChapGPT Model, looking for a better resource to get current trends. I found out that the last major update it underwent was in September 2021.
Tried it for the first time yesterday. Reminds me of that person who talks too much trying to prove how smart they are, but you know some of what they are spewing is bullshit.