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Good nice news ! We have a new nice LN wallet !
Bluewallet was forked by the CoinCorner Team that they also bring the famous BoltCards LNURL NFC cards. This Bluewallet fork was adapted to manage your own NFC BoltCards and also connect to your own LN node, using the lndhub protocol.
So now is even much easier, if you run a LN node, to be the "Uncle Jim" LN bank for your friends and family. This BoltCard Wallet have same UI and functionalities of the old Bluewallet, but added features to manage NFC cards.
The BoltCard team also made it simple to install a lndhub server on top of your own LN node and manage all these cards and wallets in a non-custodial way.
Here some links: Webpage - https://boltcardwallet.com/ Github - BoltCard Wallet Github - LNDHUB server Youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@boltcard
Thanks for the post and good vibes however:
  • not by the CoinCorner Team
  • Bolt Card App connects to a Bolt Card Hub
It needs to be a Bolt Card Hub (which has bolt card extensions to LndHub).
I've posted an updated version here. #154856
Great trend, 🐱
Awesome! Would it be possible for this to become part of bluewallet instead of a separate one?
This fork is ONLY for lndhub accounts and managing NFC cards. It is not using like BW onchain wallets.
I already run an bw-lndhub on my node, is that enough to pair with my boltcardwallet and create bolt cards? Or do I need a boltcard-lndhub?
you need a Bolt Card Hub
here is a walk through for how to create one
I think it should work. Could be also they forked the lndhub code to add those NFC cards functions. You should try to pair it with your existing lndhub. See how is working.
This seems to be just what I'm looking for. Now I need to learn how to use it.
Is the same old BW, only that you would have to install a lndhub server on top of your LND node and connect to it. See the instructions in the github repo.
I think it works also to connect to any other lndhub account (lnbits, alby, ln.tips etc)