This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Bitcoin can be frustrating at times! after almost no issues with my umbrel today randomly I can’t access the node! Like is my node toast? Or what! grrrrrr!! Troubleshooting beings tomorrow. Times like these confirm we are early!
Try connecting keyboard and display and see what happens. My Umbrel was sometimes getting in a weird state and it would get stuck after restart. Keyboard stops responding on linux login prompt.
As far as I can tell the reason for this was that the power supply I got with RPi can't handle both RPi and the SSD... so now I'm powering it with power brick from Pixel 6 and that seems to work well (that one gives between 15 and 30 watts)
So when do you think SN will eclipse the Bitcoin and Lighting Network subreddits?
Personally I've already abandoned them.
Haha, ... the first price post in a while here on SN, ... and ...
it's from r/Bitcoin!!! LOL!!
In terms of # of users? It'll take years. The Bitcoin sub has like 3 million people following it. We'll need to 10x ~3 times to get there. I believe we'll get there, but there's a lot of value we'll need to create to get normal folks to switch over. Right now we appeal to what I'd classify as true bitcoiners for whom a Bitcoin focused experience is of high value.
Reddit took YEARS before it became mainstream. Once it did most of the early users left.
There's also the issue that not all bitcoiners are capable of or willing to use lightning
I agree that getting to that number of followers won't be quick, on the other hand it's really refreshing having a news feed basically free of "number go up" posts and memes.
I've been waiting for a huge selloff to happen so I could post the "Mr. Bean on a rollercoaster" gif (on some sock account, of course).
Just to see what type of reaction it would gather, here on SN.
Absolutely. I don't spend anytime thinking about eclipsing those services - but you asked. 🙂
I almost exclusively think about adding value for users who are like you and me, users who find the focus valuable, users who want to connect and learn more about Bitcoin. Outside of that, I do think about how we can appeal to Bitcoiners who don't realize they should be Bitcoiners yet; the best thing we can do though is try to demonstrate what can be done with Bitcoin and let the value shine through.
“Anytime” is an overstatement. I do think about it actually. I just think it’s the wrong thing to think about and I shouldn’t think about it.
Working on adding notifications for paid invoices ... then might tack on removing descriptions for invoices on SN for user privacy.
Added notifications for invoices. Also, PR's from @secondl1ght went live.
Haven't removed descriptions yet but I'll try to do that tomorrow.
thanks for merging those, I plan on contributing more when I have some spare time. :)
Wondering if a pleb should look into Sigle, but is wary of staking/nft nonsense/shitcoins....
Stacks is a premined shitcoin :/
Sigle looks cool besides that.
suns shining today, such a beautiful day :)