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I constantly hear that Bitcoin is apolitical. I get where this comes from. This is a money that anyone can use, no matter what ideology they have. It will benefit everyone if we get on a Bitcoin standard. Bitcoin network doesn't discriminate. However it means just that: the network doesn't discriminate based on political leanings.
Nondiscrimination =/= Apolitical
Look at the goal of Bitcoin. It is meant to either provide an alternative to our current monetary system or hopefully replace it entirely. Who has control over the monetary system right now? The state, an inherently political entity. If you're trying to compete with or replace something the state is doing, its going to get political whether you like it or not.
Also look at the properties of Bitcoin. Satoshi Nakamoto was very obviously influenced by Libertarianism and Austrian economics. I don't know if he ever stated it, but the implications are there. The 21,000,000 cap is proof enough. Look at the headline inscribed in the genesis block. The act of putting that particular headline in the genesis block itself is a political statement.
Take a look at the ideologies of the people who criticize or dismiss Bitcoin:
  • Socialists
  • Communists
  • Progressives
  • Neoconservatives
  • Neoliberals
  • (actual) Fascists
Now look at the ideologies of a lot of vocal Bitcoiners:
  • Libertarians
  • Anarchists
  • Paleo-conservatives
  • Monarchists
  • Classical liberals
I hate that I have to say this, but I'm obviously generalizing here. I'm not saying that every progressive is against Bitcoin and every libertarian is for it. I'm just doing some basic pattern recognition.
Just because every person, regardless of ideology, can use Bitcoin doesn't mean they support its use or existence. Just because it will likely benefit everyone if Bitcoin succeeds in replacing fiat, doesn't mean that every ideology will be for it. In fact, the ideologically possessed won't care if it will benefit them. If it goes against their creed, they will oppose it.
I think it's incorrect to say it's apolitical. It's anti-political. Politics puts power in the hands of the most popular, generally speaking, and bitcoin wants the power in the hands of the most efficient (successful entrepreneurs). Against any form of rentseeking, of which politics is kinda the prototype, really.
Bitcoin is like a beautiful woman. She can be appreciated by people of all political persuasions. But just because everyone can appreciate her beauty doesn't mean that everyone agrees on what to do with her. Some people want to marry her, some people want to sleep with her, and some people just want to look at her. But no matter what they want to do with her, they can all agree that she's beautiful
and again I was obligated to fund my SN wallet... ;)
No. Bitcoin doesn't give a shit about all the noise. If you try to put Bitcoin in a political game, you will fail, you get rekt. Do not try to fit Bitcoin in existing system. Adapt to Bitcoin system and you will thrive. Bitcoin will change EVERYTHING in this world. Every system you know, in the end it will fail. Why? because Bitcoin will make obsolete all systems.
You're right, because it can't give a shit about anything. Its simply a tool. It's the best tool for the job of hard money in a digital age. But nothing more. Some things will change, but many will stay the same. Let's not deify it. Like every man made system, it too will fail or be replaced eventually.
Bitcoin is already in a political game. Those who oppose it haven't won, but they haven't lost either. Hubris always comes before the fall. If we think our opponents will inevitably fail, then we have already lost. Pride has a funny way of messing up a good thing.
One of the Bitcoin chat groups I'm in is at least 50% or more communists or socialists. Its kinda weird being in there, and I don't understand their thought process, but they're there and they are real.
Communism and socialism are FUNDAMENTALLY INCOMPATIBLE because those political systems will not respect property rights of individuals.
Those systems will not work in a Bitcoinized world and will fail again and again until people finally give up trying TO GET STUFF FOR FREE.
I'm happy to hear that. Did you read this article?
Yes, I read the article. However, the article is clearly written from the perspective of a twitter user. There is more to the world than twitter.
Yes, twatter is just a shitpool. The world is much more than just twatter. I never had an account there and will never have.
You don't think the principle applies generally? I thought that was the point you were making.
The principle applies generally, but that article is complaining about how English speaking twitter users who like Bitcoin are not the political philosophy of the author of that article and I thought the point you were making was "Yes but most people believe xyz"
Oh. No question his perspective is opposite mine as a libertarian, and he was whining about the prevalence of libertarian culture in bitcoin. What I really like is the fact that commie bitcoin fans actually exist.
I strongly disagree.
Bitcoin is political in the sense that EVERYTHING is political, or can be made into a political issue. And, it will absolutely disrupt the current political system.
Money should not be political, but fiat inherently is, just like religion should not be political, but the church inherently used to be.
Think about separation of church and state. Religion is apolitical, but separation of church and state was probably considered highly political.
It’s the same for separation of money and state. Money is apolitical, but separation of money and state is highly political.
Church-goers might generally find themselves in the same area of the political spectrum, but that doesn’t make church inherently political (although many pastors warp church into something political anyway).
Bitcoin is raw mathematical information. It’s a simple ledger of “who owns what”. It is certainly a societal force, but it is not inherently political.
The fact that bitcoin is apolitical is exactly why it needs to and will win.
This is a good topic and I appreciate the thoughts!
Thats part of the appeal of Bitcoin to me. I know that the libartarian philopshy works if you let it. But there are no examples of this anywhere in the world anymore. Bitcoin is the exception, and the higher it goes, the more you can argue its proof of the libertarian philosophy working, for lack of a better term.
That's how things align for now but this could change. When the pendulum swings to the right and the left finds itself playing defense, they will see the benefits of bitcoin as a means to pay for illegal gender reassignment surgeries, back-alley abortions, and other things the left considers essential.
bitcoin doesn't give a shit about your politics. get over it.
i have spoken.
Bitcoin, fair maiden of the digital realm, Whose beauty and grace doth overwhelm. In the eyes of all, thou art esteemed, But opinions on thy fate are esteemed.
Some would wed thee, to keep thee close, Others would lie with thee, and then dispose. And yet some simply gaze upon thy splendor, Content to behold thee, in all thy grandeur.
But despite these varied desires, All can see that thy beauty inspires. For whether sought for love or gain, Thy charming allure doth remain.
Oh Bitcoin, thou art truly unique, A vision that doth all hearts seek. And those who savor thy delightful sight, Shall be forever captivated by thy light.
Is fiat political? It can be, certainly. But in general, even your most far left progressive and far right libertarian want as much of that shit as they can get their grubby hands on.
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