I don’t see any substantiation for why you think AI is slavery. Slavery is a pretty strong work. I’m not hyped on AI by any means, but… in what way do you think AI will make us involuntarily subordinate?
It’s a glorified calculator, except it’s worse because it’s BSing based on what will result in positive feedback.
Slavery is a pretty strong work
You are triggered by that word? Why ? Because you are under emotional mind control. The truth is that you are a slave, with your own consent. You still have chance to un-slave you (after you watch those 2 video links), once you realize the lie you were living all your life.
And by consenting the AI in all your aspects of your life, will make it even impossible to get out of that slavery cage that you put yourself into.
in what way do you think AI will make us involuntarily subordinate?
You are giving up your capacity of thinking for yourself, and by that you are de-humanizing yourself, towards a full transhumanism, into brainless obedient working slave.
What you see today as "innocent", harmless text generated by AI is just the beginning of your own incarceration. Is the playground, preparing your brain into full acceptance. The target is not you the today's adult, but your children. your granchildren. You are meaningless to the overlords because you will not have a full bainwashing procedure like your kids. By modeling your brain, they know that you will influence your kids into even more acceptance and will make even easier to control them.
The ultimate goal is TOTAL OBEDIENCE and even idolatrization of AI. Total de-humanizing.
They try it for many decades almost centuries, with communist regimes all over the world. And didn't worked well. Why? Because they didn't had the technology of today, like this idiotic chatGPT, they didn't had twitter and FBIbook and tik-tok. Now is much much easier to implement a full communist world, with full obedient sheeps.
Have you ever used a calculator? Is that thinking for you?
Voluntarily slavery is self contradictory.
The best slaves are those that do not know are enslaved.
Better throw out your calculator.