What do you think about this idea ? A site like stacker news but about nostr with the same mechanism (sats upvote, ...) It will be great since nostr is developing a lot this days (new NIPs ,clients, use case {chess on nostr, marketplace, ...} )
By myself i think its a good idea to make a all in one place where all nostr updates are in with a good community and valuable post
Upvote if you like the idea
your wishes have been granted 🪄
That's what I call customer service!
who says everything needs to be decentralized? ;-)
Ho-ly shit.
This is a good idea, but I believe there is a possibility that a sub group is already in the works right here.
What we need is a media company built on Nostr, that posts exclusively to Nostr.
Think like a breaking 911 on twitter but for Nostr.
Another thing I would like to see, whether this is built on Nostr or not, is a new media company that offers two versions of news stories for the reader to choose from. First version is a quick, headline plus context, just the facts version. Second version contains opinion and is clearly identified as an opinion piece.
This doesn't fully address your question, but I just wanted to say that there are several podcasts dedicated to nostr only, eg "no strings," nostrovia etc. We also have the nostr report...
But you know this already, I'm sure...
There is more happening to Nostr in a day than Bitcoin in a year, but I don't think it warrants a new website. There are already too many websites.
Not sure why, since Nostr is a topic that is within Slacker News scope.
And a website with sn mechanism will be much greater (cause of sats upvote that make the realy valuable content in your feed)
It getting bigger than a topic now