I saw a few nostr content posts in the bitcoin sub
People don't pay attention to details. Are just bots not using their brain.
The drop down sub should force the user to select one, not to be auto-filled. People are so lazy that don't bother to make that selection.
The drop down sub should force the user to select one, not to be auto-filled.
Very good suggestion!
However, I realized there are only three options: Bitcoin, nostr, jobs
Now the argument that you can indeed post anything here is weakened :/
I think this a good suggestion too.
Good point. This sort of goes to my question about the use of "Home" in the dropdown. Is that a catch-all? It seems to include bitcoin and nostr, but not jobs. Maybe a non bitcoin or nostr post could be considered a generic "home" post, and then @DarthCoin's suggestion could be used.
Regarding jobs: #173022
I missed this. Thanks