It's simple. let it add 1 additional comment to the lightning when someone has rewarded you)) is not difficult and useful)))) will be consumed in turn.
I think this is how it already works. Your free comments can get tipped and then you basically earn more "free comments" because comments cost 1 sat
I've been waiting for 1000000 hours for someone to click on me... But it did not work! And it was necessary to answer urgently)))
I've told you before, I think most people don't understand what you are trying to say and thus just ignore you haha
I would love to understand your comments more but it's not easy unfortunately.
Have you tried for translation?
lack of understanding is the lack of seeing words in other directions. Waterfall = faucet
Have you tried for translation?
Please do not encourage stupidity. Help people to learn naturally more languages and not push them to be dumb and never use their smooth brain.