This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Everyone please please please take some time to watch the ICS 3 conference in Brussels ( international Covid summit ). Not that we didn’t know it was bad, but please watch how deep the rabbit hole actually goes. It is completely disgusting and in human what our supposed leaders have been up to. This is a world wide issue. I believe we are all capable of making the choices to stop it from happening again.
Do you have a link?
It’s on YouTube, that would probably be easiest. It is seriously disturbing yet good information.
Gave a speech in my community on Bitcoin, a guy came up and started asking me how to buy from an ATM. Pretty excite! :)
Happy Bitcoin pizza day!
I had a fantastic slice to celebrate
Grr back to work. But resigning tomorrow and starting a better job in 2 weeks!
First time poster here. I've been lurking for a few weeks, and I'm a huge fan of what you guys have done here. I work as a "software engineer" (quotes because someone who taught himself Python can only be called an engineer in a low-interest rate, fiat-fueled tech bubble) but unfortunately, it's very rare for me to be excited by anything in the tech world. I spent my early adulthood watching the cool internet of the 90s devolve into an internet dominated by creepy ads and hostile social media, so yeah, I'm a skeptic. But, if there's a model for making the internet cool and useful again, I'd say SN is it.
Day 37 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Everyone thinks he or she is late when they come into Bitcoin. Humbly, how many stacked SATs are enough to retire ?
I think I was too early ^_^
Depends by what you mean by retire...
If its having financial freedom not to work at all? if so, it can be the beginning of boredom and possibly slow death
If it means having FU money that you can choose to do what you love (hobby/work) then it can be great
Generally, I believe chasing retirement mindset by itself is scary concept as in most cases its a never ending pursuit
Retire from fiat slavery to work on FOSS and bitcoin. The dream.
All depends of your life style.
Bitoin Week in Miami killed me. I just called in at work, and am about to go back to bed. I will still do Pizza day with the locals and those who are still in town from the conference.