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Let's hear all your best fun facts, any topic counts!
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Tons of these in physics. Here's a couple.
People often say "hot as the surface of the sun" to indicate extreme temperature. But the surface of the sun is actually weirdly cool (~5800 K) in comparison to the area surrounding it. This area (known as the corona) is MILLIONS of degrees hot. And we don't know why. It's called the Coronal heating problem.
Another fun one is called "The axis of evil", and it is the observation that the most universal base of reference we have, the cosmic microwave background radiation—literally the remnant photons from the earliest time of the universe we can see (because before that, everything was opaque and weirdly orange), this background is completely aligned with our solar system. It's called the axis of evil because we're supposed to be insignificant, arbitrary, statistically randomly aligned. But this most basic yard stick is perfectly aligned with us. We also don't know why. A fluke, we must assume. But pretty evil, from a copernican perspective.
I was aware of the first but not the second. Very cool!
Look at the zipper on your pants. It probably has the letters YKK on it.
YKK is the worlds largest zipper manufacturer. However, their dominating marketshare has recently been threatened by newcomers in the surprisingly cutthroat zipper market.
Worker bee: "Sir, the competition is catching us quickly!"
CEO: "Zip it!"
This is actually fascinating
I can't help but test a zipper on clothing in stores.¹
However, if I see that it's a YKK I've already an idea that it'll be good.
The wider the track of the zip, the more likely it won't let me down. Look for them when buying a backpack!
¹Something that Im looking at purchasing, I don't randomly yank at zippers!
The days of the centralization of zipper manufacturing are counted.
From my 13 year old: Bananas are actually berries.
He is filled with obscure facts.
Nice! Strawberries are actually ovaries.
Are or have?
Are. The little seed things are actually the fruits.
All plant life on Earth nearly died from low CO2 levels at the end of the most recent ice age.
Why? Crustaceans had been pulling carbon our of the atmosphere for millions of years in order to make their shells and there is no offsetting natural process to recirculate it into the atmosphere.
the loudest world ever shouted was "quiet" at a level of 121.7 dBA
Someone should make a hardware wallet based it lol
I've been thinking the same. They should make a Java based cold wallet app, so people can download to this Nokia phone that has no service to use as a hardware wallet. I've seen a hardware wallet that looks like a phone that actually does this called the Fountain Device Passport. The only thing it was missing was the cell features.
I believe it uses a Nokia-style battery too. Not sure if one that is compatible with this specific Nokia model though.
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1640 sats \ 1 reply \ @energy 1 Sep 2023
In Canada, Santa's postal code is H0H 0H0.
can confirm, i sent many letters there as a child
Oil does not come from dead dinosaurs. The fossil fuels, the name given as such, originates from commitment of oil producers to make it appear as scarce. "Most oil reserves were formed between 65 and 252 million years ago. While this does overlap with the ‘dinosaur times’, oil is a marine sediment made of the remains of algae and plankton.
Skeletons of prehistoric reptiles such as plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs (neither of which count as dinosaurs) have been found in the same geological layers as oil and they may have contaminated the oil deposit. But to say that oil is made from dinosaurs is like saying that bread is made from insects, just because the odd one occasionally falls into a flour mill." - www.sciencefocus.com/planet-earth/dinosaurs-in-fossil-fuel
Important to note, many "depleted" oil wells replenish themselves over time.
Laser is also an acronym.
Yes it's spelled with and S and not a Z. And don't tell me that in American English it's a Z it's not it's just flat out incorrect and a commonly circulated mistake.
Anyway. It stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. L-A-S-E-R.
(You don't spell stimulated Zimulated do you? Now go forth and remove thyne Zs)
While they are hibernating, bears do not urinate. Their bodies convert waste into protein.
It's interesting that they don't pee while they torpor, though.
This is what a blade of grass looks like under a microscope. Next time you take a walk outside, know that the grass is happy to see you. 😃
  • you can't fold paper more than 7 times.
  • Scotland chose the unicorn as its national animal.
It's why the British monarchy had a unicorn on the clay of arms. As at the time Scotland was the only recognised country within the union (Wales wasn't considered a country at that point). So the coat of arms is made up of 4 quarters 3 lions of England (encompasses Wales). (6 lions total) the lion of Scotland and the harp of Ireland. Flanked by the rampant lion and the unicorn.
I wonder how many sheets of paper are going to be wasted trying to verify this
MythBusters did an episode on this
Lexus. The car brand is actually an acronym. It stands for Luxury EXports to United States.
And in their early years, they apparently had an eight-letter mission statement: Beat Benz.
Not sure how true this is, but heard this from a "management guru" a long time ago.
No better motivator to people than making an enemy or competition out of someone else.
Mission accomplished?
Yeah probably 😂
  • I lost my cowboy hat in just one day!
Dust yourself off and get back on the horse!
Thats the right attitude!
I should know. I must be on my 20th cowboy hat by now (that would actually be a fun thing to know @k00b).
That would be cool. Noted.
Start zapping my friend and it will find its way back to you.
The first cheerleaders were actually dudes from the University of Minnesota. They jumped the stand and started leading the crowd in chants.
( source: I was a UW cheerleader )
607 sats \ 0 replies \ @kr 1 Sep 2023
The marathon is named after the legend of Philippides, an ancient greek messenger who apparently ran to Athens without stopping to claim victory in the battle of Marathon.
However, nobody really knows how far his route was, and so the modern marathon was actually not a standard distance when it began as an Olympic sport in 1896.
The 1908 Olympics in London had a marathon course designed to finish in front of the royals which was 42.195km, and that eventually became the standard marathon distance which is run today.
605 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 1 Sep 2023
I can clap with one hand
But what is the sound of one hand clapping?
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A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus.
That is a fun fact!
The way leap years work is actually pretty crazy.
almost all anyone can tell you about them is that "Feb 29th is every four years" but there's a bit more to it than that.
The whole point is to balance the calendar with the actual progression of time, but adding in an extra day every four years overcorrects, so
every 100 years where you are supposed to add the extra day, you omit it. However, this causes a bit of an under correction, so
every 400 years, when you are supposed to omit the leap year day, you actually keep it in. This last happened in the year 2000 when nobody really blinked an eye when we had a leap year, because as far as 99% of people know, there's just a leap year every four years for some reason.
when following this procedure, true time will align with the calendar for tens of thousands of years
They should have made seconds slightly larger.
Start again?
I remember knowing this in the year 2000. No-one cared.
Learned this yesterday:
According to Diana Reiss, PhD, on the Star Talk YouTube channel, bees communicate both the location and distance of food by wiggling their bodies.
They specify location relative to the position of the sun and they are intelligent enough to correct for the apparent movement of the sun in the earth's sky according to the time of day when the communication is taking place.
LEGO is actually the world's biggest tyre manufacturer by number of tyres produced. Something like 300 million tyres annually.
Nice, with all that lego we could build a house with that. I wonder how safe it would be to live in one. Also, I wonder what the cost would it be if its similar to the price of an actual house.
There's a TV show called Toy Stories with James May. They built a full size LEGO house. I don't think you could live in it though as it wasn't waterproof.
In case of alien invasion, don't worry, the United Nations got your back. They have the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. And yes, it's a thing where people around the globe gather and discuss not only about aliens but also current state programs searching for aliens. Here's the link for the office where you'll find lots of presentations that goes from Progress made by satellites, climate change1 to cyber protection for space technology.
In June they had their latest session, so, feel free to check their documents and progress. Find if your country is member of this office.


  1. Yikes
The United States of America is not a democracy, it is a constitutional republic
a constitutional republic is a form of democracy. that's like saying i don't have a dog, i have a great dane
Great Danes are wolves.
In American political discourse "Democracy" has come to mean "rule by Democrats". America is in fact a Democracy.
Fair points. A constitutional republic is still a democracy, just a more specific kind of democracy where the constitution is a document that sets out the fundamental laws and principles of the government & establishes the rights and freedoms of the people.
Absolutely right. The owners of the US inc are pushing this propaganda
910 sats \ 1 reply \ @21m8 1 Sep 2023
The most popular item at Walmart is bananas. They sell more bananas than any other single item they have in stock.
Wow that's bananas
The longest common word with all the letters in alphabetical order is "almost."
488 sats \ 1 reply \ @GOAT 1 Sep 2023
The Mona Lisa when Da Vinci painted her did have eyebrows but over time and over cleaning have eroded them to the point that they are no longer visible.
The saddest thing is that the Mona Lisa wasn't worth anything until long after Da Vinci was dead.
I can count twelve with one hand
that's the reason the day is divided in 24 hours (counting on both hands), and the minute divided in 60 seconds (12 in on hand iterated 5x fingers of the other hand)
jajajaj in the US people is familiar with this metric, in other countries everyone get 🤯... thinking they can count only until 10 with two hands 🤣
Just 30 minutes of daily complaining can physically damage your brain. Listening to someone constantly complain also negatively affects brain function.
Iceland grows 5 centimeters per year because of its moving tectonic plates.
Lightning kills about 10,000 people a year worldwide, more people than tornadoes or flooding. Lightning doesn't just happen during a thunderstorm. It can happen during volcanic eruptions, intense forest fires, surface nuclear explosions, heavy snowstorms, and large hurricanes.
Moons can have moons, and they are called "moonmoons.
This was so funny to me I had to look it up (here's the wikipedia page)
A subsatellite, also known as a submoon, or a schmoon, is a "moon of a moon" or a hypothetical natural satellite that orbits the moon of a planet.
Terms used in scientific literature for subsatellites include "submoons" and "moon-moons". Colloquial terms that have been suggested include moonitos, moonettes, and moooons
A schmoon! Hahahahaha I love it. And the last one too, which was definitely coined by a sentient cow. "moooon"
All objects emit radiation. 3 minutes after the big bang the temperature of the Universe was around 1,000,000,000 Kelvin. Now days the temperature of the Universe is around 3 K (-273 °C), measured by the background cosmic radiation. It means that there was a moment at which the Universe was at room temperature, around 300 K (27 °C).
Cats, dogs, and many nocturnal creatures appear to have glowing eyes because the back of their eyeballs include a special reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum. This helps animals see better in low light by working like a mirror on the retina to reflect the light back through the eyes
American flags left on the moon will eventually get bleached white by the sun.
Did ou know that a group of crows is called a murder?
Yes, you heard that right! When crows gather together, they ared reffred to as murder. Howver, you do not need to get alarmed by these feathered creatures, since their name does not refelct their criminal behavior at all.
IMPORTANT: Take notice of this fun fact and the next time you see a bunch of crows hanging out together, definitely do not panic—I repeat do not panic—and start shouting "It's a murder!" Unless it actually is.. but that's another story...
Your brain uses 10 watts of energy to think, but it can't feel pain. You know what they say: Mind over matter.
Canadians eat more macaroni and cheese than any other nation in the world.
The brain is the fattest organ. The stomach may be our body’s fattest part, but the fattest organ is our brain. The brain is composed of nearly 60% fat.
A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out, but a shark can blink with both eyes.
Cryptocurrency transactions are public and transparent, but the users are anonymous and encrypted
The Winklevoss twins believe a single Bitcoin will be worth half a million dollars (at least).
Between November 1, 2022 and April 30, 2023, a Chinese woman in Walnut, California, was arrested after shipping over 9 million packages on behalf of Chinese e-commerce vendors using fake postage, costing the USPS over $60 million. Fascinating article: https://www.piratewires.com/p/china-stamps-scam-postal-service
46 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 1 Sep 2023
The Gregorian calendar is really a copyrighted timeline, not a calendar and the original first day of the year is April 1st
And named after Pope Gregory.
The largest known organism on Earth is a Honey Fungus, spanning 8.9 km2, estimated to be 2400 years old and weigh about 605 tons.
Bow to our mushroom overlords 😆
Wow, sure enough! Pando the aspen stand is heavier at an estimate 6,000 tons, but only covers only 0.43 km^2. TIL
Each main character in Spongebob Squarepants cartoon, were inspired by one of the seven deadly sins..... Imagine that though...
People been trading BTC trying to make money on that, fun fact, you make more by HODLing #BTC! #hodl
Wait till they realize BTC is the money.
Climate change zealotry is a scheme to instill a global governance model which will be expanded In due time into a global government
The co2 narrative also detracts from real issues like plastic in the oceans and microplastics in our food.
The first Bitcoin purchase was for pizza.
Two Large Pizzas.
You didn't give you parents the permission to give birth you. You did not consent to it.
Speak for yourself I was like "alright lets do this LEEEEEEEEROOOOOOOY JEEEEEEEEENKIIIINS"
In their dreams I guess.
The obvious law of demand and supply states that 'If supply exceeds demand, prices will fall, and If demand exceeds supply, prices will rise'.
Since Bitcoin's price is primarily affected by its demand and supply, the chances are, it will offer an incentive to hold, in unforeseeable conditions of inflation. It has greater scarcity than the fiat currencies, which have unlimited supply.
Lemons float but limes sink
My cousin sad that taxes are sexy!
Did you know that turtles can indeed breath out of their butts?
The Bitconnect guy drives a Tesla now.
He also launched NFTs about a year or so ago and not one person bought any of them.
It's a good rabbit hole...
Fun Fact. If you're Billionaire your problem is .. "How to safe your wealth with Tax Free" the answer is change your citizens with Tax Free Country 😅😅
Of the 193 members of the United Nations, Britain has invaded 171 of them.
Chickens can fly, but only at a short period of time.
Over 90% of global communications happen via fiber optic cables that run across the floor of the Atlantic Ocean
650 million years ago the entire Earth's surface was covered with snow and ice. This is called Snowball Earth epoch.
80% of US cattle come from 4 companies. Cargill. Tyson, JBS, National Beef
We will all die one day
Birds are evolved from snakes.
It's been 10 years since I wore my sandles. This week I decided take them out of the closet and dust them off to wear them. As I walk around outside, I noticed a trail of materials that look like dirt thats coming from my sandles. I figured they were dirty. Little did I know as I walked further my sandles were falling apart! So I walked home bare foot. I also check my other old shoes 👞. They all were falling after shaking them. I guess shoes ages over time even after reserving them unused.
Carcinisation is an example of convergent evolution in which a crustacean evolves into a crab-like form from a non-crab-like form
The bird on the Twitter logo is named “Larry.”
The last photo of a Kodak was taken with an Iphone! Lol
The founder of Bitcoin is still unknown.
Not to Satoshi though.
The Four Corners is the only spot in the US where you can stand in four states at once: Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.
you can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time
it's fun because it's music!
Turtles don't die of old age.
Pakistan will replace the USA and become the World Leader. Do not think it is funny
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Only D.C. residents are legally required to pay taxes in USA
Tell that to Irwin Schiff. Oh wait, he died in prison for not paying his taxes.
Tell that to a state national, he will laugh in your face
I wish you all luck, but law isn't what's on paper. Law is what the state will throw you in a cage over.
Learn the difference between legal and lawful
legal adjective permitted by law; lawful:
The US is a corporation
Haha. I think this one would win the fun fiction contest.
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Hahahaha.... these commies really love and respect us, eh? Count on their inability to do anything more complex than steel Your money and fill their bags via the climate change complex.
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574 sats \ 2 replies \ @kr 1 Sep 2023
this is amazing, and afaik it’s the only food that doesn’t spoil
Vinegar is another one if you consider it a food.
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