This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Once I get done with improved user profiles ... I'm going to work on a downvote-like ability and lots of experiments with the trust algo.
Site is much snappier now, I see ~50% improvement on pageloads. So thanks for the recent updates :)
Downvotes are a big change to the incentives model... it would be probably good to be extra careful here.
Good idea, I'll float it out to the community.
I run 3 full nodes and I'm just getting started on my bitcoin journey :)
3 nodes?! Why do you run 3? What's next?
2 are miners and 1 is a Embassy server. Next move is more miners and all family/friends running Embassy or something similar.
When I buy bitcoin it always go down, now I buy 50% and wait with the other half, most of the times it goes down and I get more BTC. Should I go short when I buy on LN Markets? It's like a natural law or something lol.
I don't trade, but I've always suspected the most important thing a trader can learn is how their feelings coincide with market conditions.
Anyone use Ubuntu? I just upgraded to latest and I'm not too happy about them breaking apt.
It seems like the decay algorithm on SN is too fast.
The top 10 posts on SN are often ones that were created in the last 12 hours. Halving the decay rate would accomplish a few things:
  • Great content is visible for longer, giving users more time to boost and engage in discussions
  • Bad content that gets a few quick upvotes won't automatically shoot to the top of the page, it must overcome a higher quality bar
  • Users don't have to worry about what time they post content (I try to avoid posting late at night now, because I know most users are from North America and by the time they wake up the post will have decayed too much to get any attention)
I agree - thanks for the reminder. I can ship an update today.
Shipped. We went from a 'gravity' or 'decay' factor of 1.5 -> 1.3
Zoltan essay received too low attention.
Oil, VLCCs, distillates, natural gas, neon and chip shortages mean two things: spot prices can spike for each and they can also shut down supply chains. Spot price spikes for commodities with large derivative markets behind them (oil and gas) can cause funding stresses for commodity traders and broker-dealers, and a shutdown of supply chains, either because there is no oil, gas or neon can cause a similar “tsunami” of credit line drawdowns that a shortage of workers caused when governments enforced quarantines globally during March 2020.
You think shortage of wheat is important? You missed that Ukraine is the largest neon producer and neon is used to fill industrial lasers in chip making industry.
Now that Russia and the Azov Battalion are battling each other at a steel plant (some COD), the government leaks it’s own abortion memo….abortions for all!!
Should there be a way to undo sending sats? I just clicked on the lightning by accident...
Yes. I’m thinking a configurable undo window. We have a gh issue up for it from ages ago
Tip sats more on less content?
Tip less sats on more content?
In my opinion you can send sats proportionally to the value you received from the content.
Also I think it's better to not call it tipping, because that sort of implies only small gratuity, whereas the concept of value 4 value is more about directly rewarding for the value you received...