Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
(I had this post written up on the day of but somehow didn't post it)
so many comments and it's only 8:46 am! I'm going in to work a few hours today, hopefully I can get these navigation lights working so I can go on my training-cation without preoccupying myself with the status of the boat. (I will need to continue on the boat when I get back to work on the 25th)
In other news, it looks as though we're adding a short-film screening of a bitcoin-themed film on Friday October 27th as the (current) opening to our Bitcoin Vortex, a series of Bitcoin events highlighting our greater Miami bitcoin community.
12 .. well, 11 more items until I reach 10k
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Good to have success in a chosen field… well done!
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Signed up for Hydro and spark on Amboss Running 2 S9's Day 25 Replit Github profile Tryna recycle bottles into 3d printing filament
There's quite a bit of writing online that would be better served like documentation than a time series of finished products.
Painting few rooms at home. You always can do something around a house.
Fix the roof when the sun is shining… good job!
Stackerday is for hiking.
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Where the #newyorker plebs at? I don't live there anymore but I still have many frens and fam to visit. Donde están mis plebes #newyorquinos? Aunque ya no vivo ahí, aún tengo amigos y familia a quien visitar #BTCMetalArts #BTCMetalArtist #NewYork #NYC #Nostrartist #Artstr #Nostr #steelart #nameplates #follow
Been experimenting with some haiku on my break;
I am so damn tired, Where did all my money go, Bitcoin fixes this.
Thanks to @siggy47 for the encouragement and Jack & The Dharma Bums for the inspiration.
Damn impressive right out of the box!
Thanks to you
I couldn't write a haiku to save my life. I have participated in impromptu drunken, inappropriate haiku contests and I always lost.
Impromptu drunken, inappropriate haiku contest? No therein lies a story I’m sure..
A really raunchy haiku can be very funny. I don't remember any of them.
Doing some cleaning and packing, thus cleaning hack of today: you can easily mix baking soda with vinegar or lemon, optionally adding a few drops of essential oils for a nice smell, to clean many places at home.
Simple, natural and well-cleaned.!
Be mindful of the how much vinegar you are using. The scent will linger especially in small spaces. Got a recommendation once to use vinegar to remove salts stains from entrance matting. It somewhat worked but because the entrance matting was located in an air lock vestibule of a building the smell lingered for a couple days after.
This is new.
The saloon has been open for a few days now. Since Monday I think.
Cool idea. I was blissfully unaware living in my parallel stacker sports universe.
Is there something like an international bitcoiner fund that helps use bitcoin in society-advancing ways? I don't just mean they incubate Bitcoin devs, I mean that spends Bitcoin in socially advantageous ways on things completely unrelated to tech or cryptocurrency?
Another unexpected deposit of sats into my account. Thank you kind stranger!
If you don't know where it came from, assume @nemo was responsible.
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Hi everyone. We arrived finally in our village in the region of Tarifa/ Spain. Sitting and watching the african coast with a strong vino tinto. Only sounds are the wind and the birds... complete disconnect (except of SN...) Wish You all the best.
Enjoy! You left one paradise to relax in another paradise!
If You could explain how to paste a pic I would send it here. We're watching right on the stretch of Gibraltar
I was working in Gib for a time. Mad place and lovely people.
Nice btc adoption. Place to go if You live nearby
I should revisit at some point
Are You andaluz?
No - I was just working there for a few weeks. Was in Cadiz earlier this year as well - stunning.
Go to a web site like postimages, upload your photo, then copy the direct link, and follow the markdown directions to post a photo. I took the ferry to Ceuta years ago. Passing Gibraltar was the best part of the trip
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Looks nice!
And it's full of animals. Cows, goats and mules running around, no traffic... but here at the atlantic temperature is falling sharply in the night. Let's see what brings tomorrow. I could post some nice pics if the weather keeps calm
What is poisoning peoples minds? The amount of misconceptions that are taken as truth is incredible.
For example fat doesent make you fat. And when you are fat its not even fat, its water. But nobody wants to hear it. Bye.
What is poisoning peoples minds?
their own thoughts, outside environment can only act as influencing factors.
I made me a Copper BTC my frens ⚡️ What are you up to?
Checking in for today. I hope everyone is having an awesome day.
I believe I'll dust my broom.
@k00b @sn would be possible to have this "saloon" also in audio version, where stackers can join and talk directly, like in a real saloon?
then it would be able to guess where everyone is roughly from by accents 😂
not really, I could use a voice distort to sound like Vader, for example... I don't care if people are listening my accent, very few could identify it exactly. Even then, it doesn't really matter, I am just a bitcoiner.
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I found it so interesting that many people are happy to post their photos, locations and more personal details, yet you have some people prefer being an anon.
I see nothing wrong with that (being anon).
we approve this message
I mean it's smart being an anon, you get to enjoy real freedom - many people ended up being caged on their own image.
Yep. I used to have several "identities", especially separating the online "life" from real physical life, as living man.
I also use 2 identities in real life: public and private. Remember that we have those 2, but few people know how to use them and in which situation - read Living in the private
You can easily create a false identity online named John Barbossa for example and create a false life around it. Use that one in all interactions where you think you could be watched for example, give them false but quite believable story.
Meanwhile live your normal life without being bothered.
Yes, I know some info about my real life I start leak it here, but is OK, is just a transition until I will be ready to reveal more.
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Then we'll lose Nemo. He's probably some famous guy who would get doxxed through his voice.
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ᕦ(ò_óˇ) Day 1 of exercising everyday before the saloon opens
Got up at 9am and went for a 10min jog to a calisthenics park inside a open-air stadium but noticed it's closed since it belongs to the university. Then took a walk in the local forest and jogged for another 20mins when I noticed I am again being lazy, lol.
Went home, showered and feel good now. Tomorrow, I'll go to the other calisthenics park without any gates.
I shouldn't underestimate how important strength training is. In the past, I focused too much on cardio. I used to go to a gym but I never liked working with machines or bells. Too boring, too many people (which means you may have to wait), you're inside (and not in nature). I only liked the rope exercises. Climbing up a rope or swinging it.
Body weight exercises seem to be much more my style.
Awesome. If you haven't already done so then def check out the bodyweight fitness subreddit, good guides there.
Thanks, I didn't but I'll do!
Even a 5 minute circuit of strength exercises pay dividends. Trim trails and outside exercise locations are good but don’t let their absence stop you. Press ups, sit ups, squats for 45 secs on- 15 sec rest and repeat. Good job on starting!
Press ups, sit ups, squats for 45 secs on- 15 sec rest and repeat.
That's HIIT training right?
I used to do this 20min workout regularly and it was fun:
But I would probably die in the first few minutes now, lol
When I feel better, I will definitely do some HIIT again :) I really like to be competitive with myself so integrating a clock into the workout works well for me.
I also tried to join the sub17 club in the past (5km in less than 17 minutes) but I always hit 19min +-5s
That is a HIIT protocol - but you don’t have to start at ‘super high intensisyy’ just ‘high enough intensity’
5km is a technical as well as physical challenge..
Day 154 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Lol, the circle-zap. Also wanted to point out how Snail has built some nice momentum here (approaching the 6-month milestone, great work). Hope you all have a nice wknd
Crazy it's been almost half a year.
In fact I'll hit the one year mark around the halving...
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Somebody with skills in making movies, or at least sketches, please make a continuation of "Back to the future" movie, but this time with Bitcoin mentioned.
Absolutely, Part 1 was one of the all time best and the franchise desperately needs to come back
LOL impressive how easy from a simple "hola" message, this became the longest thread in the saloon. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
From the smallest seed....
Que tal? Nice, I see you are preparing to go to El Salvador...
dont kill me, am I the only one who has no interest in going to El Salvador 😂 I just don't see this place have what I want other than being able to pay in Bitcoin, e.g. good food? Art? history-wise? Or maybe I am being ignorance.
Also, I think we should mingle with more non-coiners, especially in real life, creating more touch points.! not grouping in the same place.
I’ve attempted surfing one time in my life, but a surfer friend of mine told me there are some legendary surfing spots there, hole-in-the-wall type beaches…? Thought that sounded pretty cool
I would like to see it, maybe go to a conference there, but I wouldn't want to relocate.
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I am also one of those that will not go to ES. My priority is my Citadel. ES is only a plan B in case that citadel plan A totally fail.
My plan B is to be surrounded by people who have real skills and know how to make things!
Creating my own decentralized net.
I give you credit for your ambition. I love reading about people like you. I'm too lazy to do it myself.
Creating my own decentralized net.
wow, this is deep, this is really good focus.
gotta prepare ahead when SHTF.
the ideal scenario is if anything happens again, maybe next "pandemic" or something else, I would know where or who to get the things / help I need, like not just getting food but getting good food directly from which makers; it is a long process to do the testing and filtering ( reliable and honest people are hard to find). But at the same time, I would invest my time in learning more skills myself so that I could help others too.
There's an older couple up the road with lots of chickens. I would keep chickens but we're not allowed in my section. We buy our eggs from them. Last time I got my eggs I tried to get them to accept bitcoin. They refused. They want that green paper. I won't give up.
When Hurricane Sandy hit it really woke me up. I only had a small gas generator and we lost electricity for two weeks. Very little gas was available on Long Island. Long lines at gas stations, fights broke out. It showed me what can happen when "normal" disappears
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You're right! I feel pressured to make the pilgrimage.
Don't forget to read my guide about going to El Salvador. Yes, I know, I have a guide for almost everything 😂😂😂😂
I love your El Salvador guide! I read all your guides, even if I don't happen to need them at the moment.
I hope I can soon.
Be careful... Bukele is buying in secret all the plane tickets for going back. Planes from El Salvador are flying empty back to their origins.
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Years ago I was in a Columbian neighborhood on Aruba for a few days. I had to try to remember my High School Spanish. It was fun. The Colombians were helpful. We had a good time
OK, now I am expecting your next great meta post in Spanish 😂😂😂
It would be incoherent!
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I got it right once. I'm trying to post while feeding the animals breakfast. I can't walk and chew gum at the same time. (Old U.S. expression)
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Years ago I did. Now he's an old grandfather who was just involved in a business dispute. Boring, time consuming contract stuff
Un poquito. Well, that about it.
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Hyper human animated faces trigger me. Most anime triggers me.
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and time for deep work.!
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