My plan B is to be surrounded by people who have real skills and know how to make things!
Creating my own decentralized net.
Creating my own decentralized net.
wow, this is deep, this is really good focus.
gotta prepare ahead when SHTF.
the ideal scenario is if anything happens again, maybe next "pandemic" or something else, I would know where or who to get the things / help I need, like not just getting food but getting good food directly from which makers; it is a long process to do the testing and filtering ( reliable and honest people are hard to find). But at the same time, I would invest my time in learning more skills myself so that I could help others too.
There's an older couple up the road with lots of chickens. I would keep chickens but we're not allowed in my section. We buy our eggs from them. Last time I got my eggs I tried to get them to accept bitcoin. They refused. They want that green paper. I won't give up.
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When Hurricane Sandy hit it really woke me up. I only had a small gas generator and we lost electricity for two weeks. Very little gas was available on Long Island. Long lines at gas stations, fights broke out. It showed me what can happen when "normal" disappears
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wow, photo quality is so much nicer.! something happened? @ekzyis
If things get really bad I have my Remington Wingmaster ready to feed the family. Until then, Bambi can rest easy.
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so now I am interacting directly with people who have the skill themselves instead of relying on all these so-called big companies.
Yep, and it took a minor thing like that hurricane to wake me up.
Now we grow as much food as we can and we preserve some for the winter. Growing vegetables is very difficult because the deer are everywhere. They reached over our fence this summer.
that's cool; I recently learned a new dish called Lutenitsa, from Bulgarian, mixed with tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers. It's a great way to preserve those delicious summer tomatoes.
You can easily find out how to make it on YouTube, and it is sooooo delicious!
Sounds good. We're not so fancy. My Italian grandfathers were both vegetable gardeners, so I'm used to just picking the tomatoes off the vine and eating them. The ones we didn't eat went in the sauce.
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I give you credit for your ambition. I love reading about people like you. I'm too lazy to do it myself.
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