Caring about what others think of you.
That if you try your hardest, things will somehow work out.
Sometimes, shit just happens
You gotta be persistent. Everything is gradually then suddenly.
That’s a fair point. I’ll keep trying 💪
I definitely thought this when I was young -- that things would turn out alright. Then I grew up and was like Damn! I have to make it turn out alright!
Probably confirmation bias
There's some recent evidence that confirmation bias actually gets worse in people who understand confirmation bias: i.e. people succumb to confirmation bias more, when they are trying not to.
very interesting, will have to research that more
I haven't looked into the quality of the study, and they don't investigate the mechanism, but it did catch my interest.
Blending my life and my job.
I worked so much into making my environment better just to understand that all I did was actually for someone else, someone that was making profit out of it, my precious personal time was basically like some weird kind of unpaid work.
Having an healthy and friendly environment at work is fine, just keep you personal growth "personal", you're more important than a job you can change or lose.
It's okay for some to find fulfillment in their career, and to not for others. Just need to figure out which you are
I do think I'm happy at my job, the issue was that, once I tried to take other side works, I had nothing to share because the value I brought was only for the company I'm in.
Personally, I consider "fulfillment" the act of doing something that's worth the effort for more than my paycheck. This is something I already do today.
What I need is, to focus on the right things.
Just doing work at work, to put it simply. 😊
The most dangerous cognitive trap is the oversimplification of our fellow human beings. Let’s call it NPCification.
The human mind can only contain one full human mind at a time. In order for us to model each other, we do a quick mental diff as in “that person is like me except in x, y, or z way”. Only problem is that is a reductive model. You are shaving off so much intricacy in the name of saving a few precious joules of mental energy (but the brain is lazy and likes finding shortcuts), so we end up reducing each other to being less complex than ourselves.
In war. In sport. In romance. In business. In friendship. It’s a mistake to simplify others. You can’t help but do it, but you can be aware of the tendency so that it doesn’t cause you to miscalculate your whole life.
gotta learn to love the complexity of humans, makes you more interesting as a result
"Everyone is a little ADHD, you just have to find purpose, motivation and try to focus harder"
Great, I just need a new brain 👍
Lolllllll same
This is true for so many things haha. People just go to the simplest solution as if one hasn't tried it.
Speaking of, have you tried using a planner?
It works for me on my job, but it doesn't work in my daily life. I've tried hundreds of them.
No management
Well, this is going to turn out badly…. so I guess disaster prediction.
We end up worrying about the worst that MAY happen. There is a difference between forewarned of a potential outcome and paralysis in the face of it.
internet has certainly made this worse...
People are far too exposed to far too much they have zero control over. Unfortunately it's easier to occupy yourself with others' problems rather than deal with your own
Agreed. Far easier to be preoccupied by drama of others in preference to our own…. The development of society since prehistory is one of storytelling between tribes and then worrying about what the other side said or think about us…
Thinking that because you were/are right about something, it automatically makes it more likely that you're right about something else you often know very little about. There's plenty of people who have been successful in one field and then start throwing out opinions about other fields as if their initial success confirmed that they're in some way better at finding the truth of things in general.
Ego! Must keep it in check. Must remember you are separate from it.
Buying and holding shitcoins because of their "utiliity". If they are actually utility tokens (instead of degen gambling collectibles) then they should have no monetary premium.
ser i utilize them to lose money. this is freedom!
That's a fair argument.
The saying goes: Pessimists sound smart, optimists get rich. But it's the same thing in politics and culture war stuff: be wary of people that sound smart because they are pessimistic. They might be right - they might be low iq populists
Conformity and authority. Asch and Milgram.
I would say it's the over confidence in anything at all. Be it religion,or reality itself.
Sure, simulation theory etc all sounds too radical to be true, but it's one of the million things that we just can never confirm for certain.
Could our universe randomly just cease to exist due to some cosmetic events happen light years away and torn the fabric of space time? Absolutely.
That jews are beyond condemnation.
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Saw this type of behavior my whole career. Not in programming but the ancient art of civil engineering
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Absolutely but in my experience you can be open and collaborate or closed off and EXTREMELY arrogant
Most likely everywhere. I know musicians who are like that too. They like to analyze everything & forget to actually listen to the music!
I also see this in everyday life. Sometimes I feel like the world is broken into two groups: those who do, and those who criticize. It just feels that way. Plenty do both.
Social media (trad at least) is rife with both, but tends to reward those who criticize the most. So backwards.
Sometimes I find it difficult to make decisions when leading, but find it very easy to critique the same decision if someone else made it. I think it’s a mental thing. But I don’t let that stop me from taking lead